JW woman dies in car accident out in the "work"--where was the holy spirit?

by blondie 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • CandleLight

    How about the MOST important question here!!! Was any reproach brought upon Jehovah's earthly organization?

    Crazy how it always works that way doesnt it..

    My husband had come down for 4th of July weekend.. because we were both pioneering, we were out on field service that day. When the accident happened the community assumed my husband and the other two were drunk when the train hit them. The elders in the congregation made sure it was noted in the newspaper, what they were doing and what they were wearing (suits) so that it would help 'not bring reproach' on Jehovah's name.

    Also there were issues with the lawsuits afterwards, and alot of 'advice' ie telling what to do, so that the the congregation could keeps it's image clean and that it didnt bring any reproach.

    It made an already hard situation...worse. All for image.

  • blondie

    Remember I am only reporting what the WTS and individual jws say about protection by the holy spirit and how it hurts people and that they should watch what they say. I am not saying one way or the other about holy spirit protecting Christians...but be sure YOU don't put a qualifier on it, saying who is worthy of such protection.

    I remember being out going door to door with 3 other sisters; one mentioned how her jw brother and his family had been protected by God and missed out being injured in a recent car accident because they had gone to the convention not to some recreational event. The older sister sitting next to me burst into tears and was inconsolable....why...because her husband, son, and granddaughter had been killed in a car accident the year before as they drove home from circuit assembly. She said, "are you saying that my family was guilty of some secret sin and that is why God did not protect them?"

    I learned that it is rather, time and unforeseen circumstances.


  • FuzzyPaul

    Sorry, that was 27 days for the Haitian man.

    According to http://www.survivaltopics.com/survival/how-long-can-you-survive-without-water/

    The longest one can survive without water in cool weater is 10 days - yet:

    Man pulled alive from rubble 27 days after Haiti earthquake
    London Evening Standard (standard.co.uk)
    Sri Carmichael, Consumer Affairs Reporter

    A man has been pulled alive from a collapsed building in Haiti’s capital 27 days after the earthquake struck and 18 days after the government gave up looking for survivors.
    The 28-year-old, identified locally as Evan Muncie, was found in the wreckage of a market where he sold rice. It appears he had been trapped the entire time.
    It is not clear how he survived, but he reportedly told doctors that someone “in a white coat” kept bringing him water throughout his ordeal. He said he could hear excavating going on around him and feared being buried alive,
    He was taken to a US field hospital in Port au Prince emaciated and hallucinating. Dr Mike Connelly said he was severely dehydrated, adding: “He hadn't had anything in quite some time. He had open wounds that were festering on both feet.”
    Dr Dushyantha Jayaweera, of the University of Miami field hospital, said it was “unusual but not impossible” that he had been buried alive for nearly a month.
    Mr Muncie's mother said: “I thought he was dead, but God kept him from dying.”

  • AnonJW
  • FuzzyPaul

    I trust in Jesus, not WatchTower ideas. All y'all have filtered your experiences through the Watchtower's ideas.

    Daniel 3:16 - 18

    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.”


    I don't doubt the story of a sister who was spared from a serial killer when she was seen with two large men she didn't know were there (thought to have been guardian angels). People are saved, not organizations, by the Lord. The WT is not "The Truth" and they are overwhelmingly shown to be liars and teaching false doctrines by those examining their ideas.

    Stop trusting the training the WT indoctrinated you with. Who are they, really?


  • Ding

    This is a very tragic story.

    It's a reminder of how fragile life is for all of us, JW or not.

    I think those of us who have broken free of seeing everything in relation to the Watchtower Society can empathize with her sister, who simply said, "It's sad that's she's gone so soon. She loved animals, she loved to cook and loved to garden. She just loved life."

  • trebor

    I delivered a talk several years ago which dealt with the issue of 'Divine Protection'. Sweeping away any and much logic or common sense and after much double talk, the focus was purely on 'Divine Approval'.

    It came down to it not mattering whether Jehovah protects you, your family or your friends. After all, this life is temporary and the 'real life' (You know where you're petting snakes, panda bears, and lions) is what we're working towards. Whether we live a relatively long life or short life in this system is irrelevant.

    What is relevant when we die is the name we made for ourselves. We make a good name for ourselves by doing everything the Society and the Society's publications say. After all that's God's way of communicating with us, through His earthly organization better known as the Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society.

    I can't believe I actually gave Public Talks, School and Service Meeting parts spewing this baloney.


  • Ding


    I would assume that from the WTS point of view, there is no more honorable way to die than to die as a consequence of being out in field service.

  • AndersonsInfo

    My heart goes out to the accident victims and to the family of Mary Niemoeller. What happened to them in field service brings back many unsettling memories.

    In the 1960's, Joe and I were pioneering in this same area of West Palm Beach and lived just about a quarter of a mile west of where Mary Niemoeller lived on a street off of a major east-west highway, Southern Blvd. I had many Bible Studies in "Greenacres" where Mary had her home. At that time of the morning when the accident occurred, I wonder if they were going out to witness in the rural western areas of Palm Beach County where we also spent many hours in field service.

    When we were out in field service one Saturday morning back in 1972, during the circuit overseer’s visit to the Canal Street Congregation where we attended, I was sitting in the back seat of a Volkswagen Carmen Gia. We were working in a territory with only a few houses on each street so we had to get back in the car when we finished calling at every house and ride over to the next street. At one point we were stopped on a major two-lane north-south highway in W. Palm Beach waiting to turn left onto another street after on-coming traffic passed. When the road was clear, the driver turned left (and I clearly remember the turn signal clicking as they did in that type of car), and we were broad-sided by a Florida State Highway Trooper who decided to pass us traveling at 55 mph. He did not have his siren or lights flashing. (He was going home to lunch.) By examining the skid marks the experts determined we were doing 12 mph.

    The little well-built car we were in, I was told, rolled a few times and slid, and then stopped in a wet marshy field right-side up, the top and left side quite damaged. I saw the trooper, who was wearing his big trooper's hat, plainly when his car hit us, but remember nothing else until I awoke later-how many minutes later, I don't know. I had been sitting with my legs across the back seat because my "large" sister-in-law was in the front passenger-side seat and she needed more room for her legs so she had pushed her seat back making it a tight squeeze for me to have my feet on the floor. During the collision, the front passenger seat broke loose so if my legs had been there, they would have been crushed. In fact my shoes, which I had taken off and left on the floor, were both crushed.

    After I came to my senses, I realized I didn't have any major injuries except whip-lash to my neck and found that a sweater I had worn over my shoulders had one sleeve torn off. Then I saw that the entire back window of the car had popped out. I crawled out the opening where the back window had been onto the wet ground and searched for my eyeglasses that flew out the window when it popped out. Finding them, I stood up and saw the trooper's car in the distance on fire with him trying to extinguish the flames. I then checked to see how the other two traumatized passengers were. They had minor injuries and couldn't get out of the car due to a crushed door on one side and a stuck door on the other and in a state of panic worried about fire.

    I watched in the distance as traffic was pulling over and many men were helping the trooper with the fire. Soon the trooper, who was apparently in a state of shock, came “striding” (Florida State Troopers in those years wore memorable boots that came up to their knees or higher) up to the car and asked, of all things, if we had had our seat belts on. I did not have my seat belt on because of sitting sideways. But the other passengers did. The trooper was very annoyed at all of us and scolded the driver for her bad driving after he found out we were not badly injured. Then he walked away.

    Someone called an ambulance and we were all taken to a local hospital for an examination. The doctor at the hospital that morning in the ER was a JW, Dr. Jack Carleton, who since the mid-1970's has been a doctor at Watchtower Farms in Wallkill, NY. It was his hardy little car that I was riding in that morning. The driver was a guest visiting his family from Virginia.

    We sued the State of Florida for damages, which in those years was a no-no. It ended up that a year of physical therapy and other medical costs were paid for because the trooper was clearly at fault. My sister-in-law settled for $1,000 for injury to her right arm. I didn't ask for any damages except physical therapy for my neck. Incidentally, I still have problems with the left side of my neck all these many years later.

    All of us thanked "Jehovah" we weren't killed and life went on. I bet that Circuit Overseer never forgot his visit at that time to our congregation. I know my family and I never have.

    My sympathy is with all those who were involved in yesterday’s accident in WPB and to their families. This is a most horrible time for them all whether the accident happened on their way out in field service or if they were going any other place, it doesn’t matter. The reality is that a life was lost and it could have been mine or yours or someone you loved who was out in field service.


  • DaCheech

    I don't blame Blondie for her thread.

    No matter how sorry I feel for tragedies, you gotta think that the whole JW thing is BS.

    JW examples from the stage:

    --> persecution, then you're in god org.

    --> prosperous, then you're in gods org.

    --> protected from michete hutu's in malawi, then you're in god's org

    --> spared during war, then you're in god's org.

    --> etc, etc, etc.

    they never tell you the 1000x examples of when bad things happen to "the ones in god's org"

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