JW Mom refuses Surgery for her BABY over Blood Transfusion

by Rabbit 51 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • moshe

    Ironic isn't it, that God's Kingdom = The JWs proclamined only hope for mankind, is nowhere to be found, the KH doesn't take up a collection, no money from the WT coffers, either. The JWs are turning to Caesar again to save their life AND not even paying for it- no, Caesar's free medicaide coverage is going to pay for it.

  • wasblind

    In the WTS shepherd the flock book that was posted a couple of days ago,

    when it came to the needs of the congregation it encouraged people in need

    to go to family and ceasar first, not the Org.

  • garyneal
    to go to family and ceasar first, not the Org

    Where does it say that in this book and where can I get that book?

    Frankly, that's pretty tragic that the organization will say this and yet they expect to receive donations from their rank and file.

  • skeeter1

    This is such a shame as this woman does not understand the current Watchtower policy does allow both whole blood transfusions (called "current therapy") and all the fractions of blood.

    The "current therapy" is where a doctor takes out whole blood from a patient, walks the bag down to a lab, mixes it with chemicals and later reinfuses the blood back into the same patient. It is a whole blood transfusion, just by a different, more acceptable name of "current therapy".

    The Watchtower Society now allows all fractions of blood, including hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the insides of the red blood cell, and is responsible for oxygen. To make fractions, including hemoglobin, whole, donated blood is drawn. In a lab, the fractions are separated. Some of the fraction doses contain the blood of thousands of humans. But, the real misconception is that if one added together all of the allowed fractions (i.e. hemoglobin + albumin + clotting factors = etc.) it would equal a whole unit of blood.

    None of this new policy has seemed to "sink in" with the misguided followers who still think they are not allowed to have blood. They can have all of it, just as long as the "word" isn't "b-l-o-o-d".

  • wasblind

    Gary those are not the exact words but it tells how the elders should assist the needy in the cong,

    and it list going to family first and then assisting them in getting help from public assistance.

  • wasblind

    Garyneal, Google the shepherd the flock book and look up needs in the cong it tells how the elders should assist the needy in the cong,and going for public assistance is one of them

  • jamiebowers

    Aside from being sorely mistaken on the blood issue, this woman's thinking is skewed in another area. She said she has "the right" to decide on her child's treatement. While that is true to an extent, if she wants treatment that Medicaid, (or any other insurer) doesn't cover, her "rights" are limited by her pocketbook. Why does she think she's better than anyone else? People are limited in treatment options every day due to insurance denials. IMO, the best thing that could happen is that the State of Georgia intervenes and gets a court order for a blood transfusion if it's necessary and let that poor baby have the heart surgery in Georgia.

  • garyneal
    Garyneal, Google the shepherd the flock book and look up needs in the cong it tells how the elders should assist the needy in the cong,and going for public assistance is one of them

    Are you talking about the Flock book? Yeah, I remember reading something like that somewhere. It is sad considering the number of churches in our nation how anyone should feel like they have to go to Ceasar.

  • snowbird

    I know someone who works at Egleston's Hospital for Children.

    This is a sad case of a misguided soul who's seeking redemption.

    Unfortunately, as my g'ma used to say, she's going to a goat house for wool.


  • wasblind

    yea Garyneal,

    especially those maga churches, with the well to do pastors, but one thing I give the worldy churches credit fo,r they do donate to people.

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