Would you invite Jehovah to a party?

by JimmyPage 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • teel

    I think not... you know my house is quite small to invite an infinite being. Even if he would somehow squeeze in, I doubt the other guests would have any room left.

  • johnnyblazedog

    I think I would invite him and he would be in charge of bringing the wine and the green's!! and tell him to stop at the liquor store for some rolling papers-lol

  • OnTheWayOut

    Only if he came to the party like pledges come to frat parties.
    Someone has to get the beer, make runs to the store for more ice. We have to laugh at someone.
    "This God-guy, can you guys believe his megalomania? What a riot."

  • cantleave

    I'd invite him, along with Satan - just to see if they really can get along.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Yes, I would. He's always been my best friend, I'd be proud to have him with me anywhere.....

  • WTWizard

    Jesus--if he was interested. Jehovah--definitely not, unless I could fix it so there was no way that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag could trash any part of it, and I would do all I could to pxxx him off on purpose.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Maybe Jehovah would "hook up" with someone at the party and lose some of that sourness.

    (Hey, I heard you all saying to another poster, "You really need to get laid more.")

    I like the idea of inviting both God and Satan. Imagine if they wore the same jacket by accident.

  • JamesThomas

    I'll answer by telling the truth: The strongest, most murderess, vile, fiery rage of hatred that I have ever felt was towards the god I was raised to believe in.

    The image in my mind was him manifested as a fleshly person before me, and me armed with the sharpest of long knives. I literally screamed at the top of lungs as I slashed and stabbed, over, and over, and over...

    Ya, I'd invite him to a party. One he would never leave.

    I must say that this hatred erupted in me many times, and it gave me a new understanding of the blind rage that people experience where they may kill others. I don't condone their acts, but I understand what they felt at the time. I guess I have the JW religion to thank for that.

    Also during one of these explosive moments was a first sense of a beautiful, totally nonjudgmental, stillness-of-consciousness that silently watched. That which was screaming and the silence upon which the scream needed for its existence, were one in the same. It's impossible to explain.

  • Joliette

    This thread is truly hilarious...you guys need to stop!! You're giving me my giggles for Thursday morning...lol

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Why do people blame God? He didn't do anything wrong..... to my knowledge.

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