If you don't give a s**t about celebrating, feel free to post here.

by VampireDCLXV 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • 3Mozzies

    Hi V665, I feel the same as you do (especially Christmas what a wank)

    But I do feel sorry for the little kids who can't attended their friends birthday parties etc...

    As an adult, I see it all as pure BS money making scam ( hey just like the WTS...lol )



    For me it was terrible growing up not knowing anything about Christmas morning or a birthday cake or Halloween candy Easter egg hunts none of it never experienced any of it. And it is a great big load of crap that kids do not miss it I absolutely did miss it. It was very very depressing to watch the kids playing outside riding their brand new bikes or throwing their new footballs or wearing their new coats or new sneakers while I was looking foolish with nothing. I wouldnt DARE do to my kids what was done to me. I dont want my children to go through for one second all the emotions and resentment and hurt I went through on a regular basis.

  • chickpea

    if my kids were little, i suppose i would be balls to the wall
    trying to undo the programming i had enforced when a drone....

    as adults or late teens, i tell them: if you want the trappings,
    get busy with it but allow me to ignore or avoid most of it
    because i am sincerely not interested and often more than
    not i am slightly disgusted by the manic excess....

    i do put up one string of colored, twinkling lights on the
    side of the house that faces the street because i like them...

    i put $50 in a kiva.org account on every kid's B'day, which
    requires them to use it for at least one lending cycle to a
    "third world" entreprenuer, which they can then withdraw
    for their own purposes after it is repaid.... same is true for
    anyone in my life i really really care for....

    other than that i just say "back atcha" to anyone wishing
    me a happy or merry or zippy kinda day...

  • Libelle

    While I'm always game for a party - I don't care for the massive commercialism that goes with the various holidays. Too many people focused on things rather than on loved ones. So I jive with about half your opening post, V...

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    You just have to find a bar that lets you drink for free on your birthday. It really puts things into perspective.

  • mrsjones5

    It's only a painful reminder that I'm one year closer to my grave.

    Sooooooo, how close to the grave are ya?

    For me it not about the celebrating (though I really really enjoy that part), it's about having the FREEDOM to decide whether or not to celebrate birthdays or holidays.

    I don't need no stinking mag or bOrg to tell me whether I can or not.

  • snowbird

    LOL @ Josie.

    Word, girl!

    I have NEVER celebrated a birthday in my lifetime of nearly 57 years, but if anyone else wants to celebrate, go for it!


  • undercover

    I don't care about b-days... it just reminds me I'm a year older.

    But I have gotten to where I'll wish people a happy b-day... something that was verboten as a JW. It felt weired the first couple of times I actually uttered those words, but now it comes almost naturally.

  • mamalove

    Not a big deal for me, but my dad and step mom asked me if I would be offended if they bought me a years worth of monthly house cleaning services for my bday which is coming up. I said hell no I am not offended. My house doesnt seem to get very dirty, but I will take it! One less thing I have to worry about, scrubbing floors...not so fun.

  • Twitch

    Sam W

    If the button pops on that blouse, it's gonna break the sound barrier,....lol

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