Anyone Know JW's who Donated Inheritances, Estates,$$$ to WT Society ?

by flipper 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    LONGHAIRGAL- Very intelligent and astute post by you. Thanks ! You hit the nail on the head with several of your comments. I agree with you that it's probably true that many JW's are trying to " buy " their salvation by donating or giving possessions or inheritances to the WT society. I am one of those middle aged children of older JW parents who is crossing his fingers that my 85 and 83 year old JW parents haven't willed all my mom's inheritance to the WT society. She got a substantial amount when her dad ( my non-witness grandpa ) died in 1986 . So we shall see.

    And very true like you say JW's are NOT giving anything to the community in the way of volunteer work or charities or anything. They ARE waiting for all non-witnesses to die at Armageddon so they can move into their houses . Are they so lame they don't think that these houses will be destroyed too? My JW ex-wife used to make this comment when out in field service , " Well- After Armageddon ALL these houses will become ours ! We will have our pick of which house we want ! " I swear to God she said that. No wonder I went broke being married to her. You are correct in your observations- many JW's are VERY MUCH users who take advantage of other people. I'm glad I got out 7 years ago, and I'm glad you did 10 years ago ! Congrats to you. Freedom is sweet

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