Anyone Know JW's who Donated Inheritances, Estates,$$$ to WT Society ?

by flipper 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Bumped up for any newbies who may not have seen this . Thanks

  • flipper

    JIYYU2- Wow. That's a hell of a lot of money. So that 600 million was it JUST what the English branch brought in ? Or was that the worth of th WT society in the U.S. back in 1997 ? Because I've heard the U.S. WT society is worth a Billion $$$$ now. Someone posted that not long ago. Thanks for the info

  • pontoon

    Seems this thread has been around for a while so I'll add my two cents to it. I knew the brother that moved here (Walkill, NY) from California, bought a big place (land 200--350 acres forget exactly, house, buildings, cottages, lake) right next to Farm II (cattle farm) and some years latter gave it to Watchtower. Worth millions. I know people that donated the land for KH's. When I used to be on RBC I worked on some projects where the land was donated. Now, in Palm Beach Fla. there was a old sister (widowed I believe) who lived with her old brother in a mansion on the Alantic side. I had heard (reliable source) that she and her money would sometimes be used by the Society when the Society wanted to keep their business undercover. Anyway, she passed on, left enough for her brother to live and maintain the mansion and at his passing everything went to Society. Don't know how many millions that was.

  • clarity

    Flipper, couldn't resist! Remember the "Special Assembly" talk by John Williams, last year?

    "Brothers remember this, we are living under the kingdom now. Kingdom control will get tighter and tighter as we come close to the end of this system of things. Brothers, we are not directing our lives, the Kingdom is telling us how to live our lives today. In a couple of issues of the kingdom ministry, just recently, you go back and you check these kingdom ministries, and you will find the kingdom is actually telling us how to spend our money. Thats kingdom control, brothers. You see, satan wants us to feel that we are in full control of everything. No brothers, you see Jehovah is directing our lives. Remember that. And who better to direct our lives than our heavenly father? Kingdom control is directing how we live our lives now."

    My pet peeve, guess I hate this kind of stuff more than I hate anything!!!

    Wish we had a transcript of William's talk, btw. Anybody know how to get it? Plse & thank you.


  • clarity

    Bumped up for the newbies

  • VM44

    From the stories I have heard here about the place, some time spent at Bethel would put an end to people donating or willing their estates to The Watchtower!!

  • flipper

    PONTOON- Thanks for those experiences you shared. You make a very good and valid point with your examples of the guy in New York who left hundreds of acres to the WT society and the lady in Florida . These were just TWO people who left millions of $$$$ to the WT society . Can you imagine if just 100 or 500 people left millions $$$ to the WT society ? We are talking then about hundreds of millions of $$$$ that's been donated or willed to the society. That is very sobering. And scary.

    CLARITY - Exactly. Good point you make. That quote from John Williams talk " the kingdom is actually telling us how to spend our money " actually is " the WT society is actually telling us how to spend our money. " And that control will be the undoing of JW's and send them into turmoil financially.

    VM 44- Very true. If people spent time at Bethel they'd NEVER donate to the WT society again

  • nolongerwaiting

    Lol. NLW and I had talked about what we would do with our stuff if we died. We don't have kids so donating our stuff to the WT Society seemed natural. Never had anything put into writing though as we are still young. THANK GOODNESS that will no longer be the case. In fact NLW added up what we had donated and I was really surprised. I had no idea. Then he added up what we would have given (if nothing had changed in our lives) for the next 40 years. HAHAHAHHAAA

    NLW's wife

  • flipper

    NOLONGER WAITING- Hey NLW's wife, thanks for the post ! I'm glad you didn't put anything in writing about donating to the WT society. It is amazing isn't it when we add up how much $$$ we donated over the years when we used to be witnesses , isn't it ? My ex-wife ( a fanatic JW ) used to put more money in the contribution box than I did. She had to twist my arm to donate ANYTHING. I probably had doubts subconsciously even way back in the early 1980's about the WT society's motives. I'm glad you and hubby got out and saved your money ! Good job

  • LongHairGal

    This thread was very disturbing to read and I got a sick feeling in my stomach reading some of the posts, especially the ones about poor JWs giving things to the CO (who is laughing all the way to the bank) and how personal jewelry was disposed of. How sickening. I think some deluded JWs imagine they are getting a 'blessing' or maybe deep down inside they think that maybe this will get them into the 'new system'. In a way, this is like what other people in Christendom do. They are buying salvation. I feel so very sorry for any child of JWs who was not left anything and had to sit back and watch while very deluded parents left their hard-earned money and assets to a heartless religion. Too bad they didn't try to fight it. This is so TRAGIC! While it is true that other religions are looking for money as well, at least they aren't destroying their members with harmful, inhumane policies.

    Also, other religions give something to the community in one way or another. For instance, they have programs for the poor whereas the JW religion has NONE. ZERO! Other religions also allow their premises to be used for other things that benefit the community (meeting places for Al Alon, etc. ) The JW religion does not. Also, what kind of people do other religions turn out? Generally speaking, they are usually community minded and helpful. What kind of people does the JW religion turn out? Are they community minded and helpful? Certainly not. They are looking out for themselves and hoping for Armageddon to come and massacre all the people in their community, except themselves of course. Then they can occupy the best houses and take all the possessions that they coveted all along. The JWs don't have anything to recommend themselves, regardless of the fact that they "supposedly" don't commit fornication and don't smoke. They have no socially redeeming qualities as far as I am concerned.

    When I was active in the religion (before I found out how much I was lied to), I agonized how I was going to make a "Go" of it without being damaged. They are such users and you literally have to run from some of them. I can only imagine how bad things must be in the congregations now with the bad economy. In addition to all the deadbeats who were there all along, now you have people out of work not to mention the dispossessed ex-bethelites. This means that anybody who is still working or who looks like they have a few bucks will be targeted left and right by people looking for money. While the religion cannot be blamed for the bad economy - the other things certainly can. Many of the "needy" there are in the situation they are in because they bought the religion's bill of goods and did not get an education and a career. They were on the fringes of the workforce, by choice, and are suffering now.

    I am ten years into a "fade" and am so glad to be out of there.

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