BIG talk with teenage son today

by Aussie Oz 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    Well done Aussie Oz can only do your best and 'be there' for him.

    Loz x

  • its_me!

    That is awesome Aussie Oz!! I wish I had your quick thinking and reasoning abilities. Maybe afetr a few more years of college! I hope those seeds you planted grow like wild fire!

  • cantleave

    You are doing great there Oz. Keep it up. You need to, they are getting the other side day in day out, compensate for the indoctrination they are being subjected to.

  • losthusband

    Marked for future.....

  • Chalam



  • yknot

    Since you are going to print out WT quotes.....

    Why not go ahead and printout the ones that can be of use showing the timeline and evolution of 1914, 1918, 1919....


    1914: Becomes 'enthronement' from 1878 in or around 1922, It doesn't become 'parousia from 1874 to 1914 firmly until 1943.

    1918: While currently the beginning year of anointed resurrection until 1930s the date was 1878...... not only does Rutherford retro-date things but he also declares holy spirit to have been removed in 1918 (but not said/taught until 1930s)

    1919....... what were we expecting, what was the basis of our teaching and what exactly were we teaching..... why necessary if Russell said we had Jesus backing from the beginning and to reference the 2010 DVD why Splane says Jehovah picked us in 1916?

  • Ding

    Telling your son that the JWs may try discourage him from checking out the organization is very good.

    Get him wondering WHY they don't want him to check out their history.

    I know that would have been a big red flag for me.

  • doofdaddy

    Only you know your son Oz

    I have been a youth worker for over 15 yrs and in my experience, example is the best teacher. If you have your life together, are stable and contented, your son will compare your life decisions with the jws he sees in his congregation. When my son was still in, I didn't talk about jws at all, just my life and his. You are spot on in "having his back". When the elders turned nasty, I was there and now he trusts me totally and is old enough to "have my back" as well.

    I never wanted to be his mate, just his dad.

    Good luck

  • mimimimi

    Great job! You are definitely helping him to think for himself. I hope you have good results from it.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thankyou all!

    i like that comment on waiting till they break the silence before coming back in as method.

    i do try to be a good life example, i know he knows how content i am!

    there really is so much to share with him that sometimes it feels like i dont know where to start, so i really appreciate the input!

    i will of course, keep you all updated.



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