Women as weaker vessel - explain?

by Libelle 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lillith26

    I may be reading it wronge... but to say "treat her as though", is not saying she is a 'weaker vessel'.

    As a woman- I resent being called 'weak' by anyone, but if someone were to tell my husband to 'honor me' as though I were a fragile object and 'handle with respect and care'.... I would be sooooo flattered

    but dont ever treat me like a second class anything! LOLOLOLOL

    Girls Rule

  • Libelle

    Please dont shoot the messenger (meaning me)... i am only offering what i hear from the platform and offering my own little thoughts on what it means. As I say i dont think emotions are weak. And I also agree that men have many emotional triggers (football season proves that). It was a male dominated society that wrote these things and thus it is reflected in the writings of the times.

    I see where you're coming from. I'm just shooting holes through the ideas, really. And truly, if we were a society that taught men that emotions are okay, they wouldn't have to reroute their entire emotional beings to something like football. It disturbs me how much some men put everything emotionally into that... Men are emotional beings, but when "not allowed" to be social norms, it comes through in rather unusual ways.

  • Libelle

    There's one thing I can't get on this forum yet, and it's how to avoind cross-posting.

    I'm curious, since some of you don't like being viewed as weaker vessells, are you glad that chivarly is dead? I still open doors for ladies, let them step out of the elevator before me, I walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to traffic, I give up my seat for women on the bus at times, etc.. Does it offend you that some men still give consideration to women in these regards?

    Yeah, I'm not interested in chivalry. I say the door opener shouldn't be determined by anatomy, but the person who has easier access (like if you've got your arms full, I should open the door). I don't get the sidewalk bit, The Mr. does this and it boggles my mind. ON the bus, sure give up seats to older folks, pregnant or women with wee ones.

    Snowbird, just because it's a man's world, doesn't mean it should stay that way.

  • snowbird
    Does it offend you that some men still give consideration to women in these regards?

    No, sir.

    To the contrary, I feel special when men show respect in that way.

    An example: When it rains heavily here, the highway floods. My boss always makes sure that my car is on higher ground, or he lets me leave early to avoid getting trapped by the waters.

    I really appreciate that.


  • elderelite

    I wonder... how do you ladies feel about what misery said? As I mentioned, the council has benefited me in how I treat my wife. That includes the things misery mentioned. I too open doors etc etc and expect any young man who wants my daughters affection to do the same. that is an offshoot of the "weaker vessel" concept.

    Also to lilith's point, weaker, in the JW biblical context, means exactly that women are valuable but NOT second class. I know I am going to take heat for that but concider... women are given every benefit of every doubt by most JW's. In many congregations, if a guy and a gal sleep together, the man gets DF'd but not the women. True, women cannot carry mikes or be elders but dear God, would you want to? it is more of a reflection that women dont work we do than women are not qualified. I know the whole teaching thing burns some, but again, would want a part on the meeting every week? I understand that to blanket disqualify all women is short sighted. I benefit from the viewpoints of women frequently, including one "deer" sister on this board.. but does it really chap your ass that bad that for three hours a week, only men get to speak?

  • snowbird
    Snowbird, just because it's a man's world, doesn't mean it should stay that way.


    It's NOT going to stay that way.

    All that is wrong is going to be made right.


  • mrsjones5

    Does it offend yoe that some men still give consideration to women in these regards?

    Nope, not at all. I like those sortof niceties, it's just good manners. I hold open doors for men and women. I say excuse me, thank you, and please and I teach my children to do the same.

  • blondie

    Did Adam have feminine qualities before Eve was created; and God transferred them to Eve?


    *** w56 9/1 p. 530 par. 16 The Divine Origin of Marriage ***
    (Gen. 2:21-23, NW) God had now divided the feminine characteristics from Adam and put them in this woman or Ishshah and thus produced the human sexes.
  • mrsjones5

    Also to lilith's point, weaker, in the JW biblical context, means exactly that women are valuable but NOT second class. I know I am going to take heat for that but concider... women are given every benefit of every doubt by most JW's. In many congregations, if a guy and a gal sleep together, the man gets DF'd but not the women. True, women cannot carry mikes or be elders but dear God, would you want to? it is more of a reflection that women dont work we do than women are not qualified. I know the whole teaching thing burns some, but again, would want a part on the meeting every week? I understand that to blanket disqualify all women is short sighted. I benefit from the viewpoints of women frequently, including one "deer" sister on this board.. but does it really chap your ass that bad that for three hours a week, only men get to speak?

    I doesn't chap my hide that only men get to speak or carry around the kingdom phallic symbol at the hall. What chaps my hide is the erroneous assumption within the bOrg that women are incapable of doing as good of a job as men. But on the other hand since I'm not a card carrying member of the bOrg I don't have to put up with that sort of crap, I feel for the women who do.

  • miseryloveselders

    Blondie, maybe that explains why men have nipples.

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