For those who were partakers

by mamalove 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    In Matthew 26:26-27, Jesus commanded all his disciples in the room to take and eat and to drink from the cup.

    So the WTS comes up with its own teaching whereby at 99% of the world's KHs, NO ONE does any of this! They all sit around watching NO ONE partake.

    In 1 Cor. 11:6, Paul says we are to keep partaking UNTIL JESUS COMES. The WTS says Jesus came invisibly in 1914, but the "anointed" keep partaking anyway.

    Mark 7:9 "And Jesus said to them: "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!"

  • bible brain
    bible brain


    Dear AGuest,

    You say you have not been shown the city was handed over in 2006 to the angelic king of Babylon through the spirit, but you have also said in your many comments, we are shown different things of the spirit for the building up of the body. so why can't I have been shown this? Ephesians 4v4-16. If you had read the live journal, you would have the evidence to see this for yourself as part of the building up of the body. Not all the body have the same function does it?

    Also I would like to make a comment on your interpretation of Genesis chapter 19, that Lot's wife died just because she "turned around in her heart". I strongly recommend you read through the chapter again and again until you see the truth. This time, leave the ORGs wrong teachings behind. Yes! it says in verse26 "But Lot's wife behind him looked back, and she became a pillar of salt". But a lot happened BEFORE this took place.

    I have a question for you AGuest, why was she turned into a pillar of salt? This may help you to see the truth and understand.

    Lastly, if you feel you can go back each year into the condemned city to have fellowship with them, you need to ask yourself IF YOU REALLY ARE OF THE BODY OF THE CHRIST? Jesus would certainly never do this, have fellowship with Satan.

    You may have a lot of readers who love your comments "peace be with you and all" but so did the apostle Peter who also had a lot of friends too by compromising with the truth, but this did not stop the apostle Paul publicaly condemning Peter for having a different view from Jesus Christ. (Galations 2v11-15) He had compromised with the Jews to appease them instead of being bold and standing up for the truth.

    You say also, there are still some belonging to Isarel inside the city, but, our God and father has called all HIS loyal ones "to come out of her and he will take them in". If they are the true Israel today, they would have heeded the spirit and would have already been removed by the angels. What you are saying in effect is:~ when God allowed the city of Sodom to be destroyed, maybe, some were good people after all still inside. No! the angels removed all the righteous ones first before handing the city over for destruction. So too today, all the righteous ones have been removed.

  • Lozhasleft

    AGuest - I understand more now why you go back and partake....I will need to think about what you're saying more fully...but I think you may have a good point Shelby.....

    bible brain - With respect you are a new member here and so I dont think you can presume to judge anyone on here since your knowledge of us all is rather limited....Shelby cant be compared with Lot's wife since the latter looked back to the city 'wanting' to be in it...that is plainly NOT the case with AGuest - perhaps you should read her posts more carefully before you doubt her standing as a member of the body of Christ??

    Loz x

  • thenoblelodge

    Oh bible brain what have you done. You never question someones claim to be an adopted son or daughter......never, especially as you claim to be one yourself.

    I think AGuest explained quite clearly her reasons for going just ONCE a year.

  • ldrnomo

    All the people I knew that were "partakers" were a little MORE mentally off then the rest of us.

    Just look at some of the posters on this thread that claim to be "partakers" and you will know what I mean.


  • Lozhasleft

    LD - how very kind of you!

    Loz x

  • AGuest
    All the people I knew that were "partakers" were a little MORE mentally off then the rest of us.

    That's a strange accusation, dear ldrnomo (peace to you!). I realize that many of those who DIDN'T partake would point the finger and whisper AS IF something was "different" about such ones. But the only difference I ever noticed is (1) they didn't tend to have the same FEAR as everyone else, (2) they pretty much talked about spiritual things (considering "earthly" things "worthless" and therefore not worthy of discussion), and (3) were pretty quiet. Perhaps you base your statement on what you [think you] heard (or thought) about them... versus what you actually KNEW about them?

    Dear AGuest,

    Again, peace to you, dear Bible Brain!

    You say you have not been shown the city was handed over in 2006 to the angelic king of Babylon through the spirit,

    I did state that, yes. And I have not been shown... or heard, no.

    but you have also said in your many comments, we are shown different things of the spirit for the building up of the body.

    Yes, indeed!

    so why can't I have been shown this? Ephesians 4v4-16.

    (SA frowns)... Ummmmm.... who said you haven't or can't have been shown this? Certainly not me. I only stated that I have not heard this from my Lord. Which I followed with, "but, okay..." meaning that if you HAVE... then, okay. I did not deny what you claim to know at all. Not even. What up with that?

    If you had read the live journal, you would have the evidence to see this for yourself as part of the building up of the body.

    Ummmmm... my Lord has not directed me to read such live journal. And why would he? I mean, he's been telling me what he wants me to know himself, thus far. If he hasn't revealed such to me yet, then MY position is that it isn't FOR me... yet. If it ever WILL be. That's NOT to say, however, that it isn't for YOU.

    Not all the body have the same function does it?

    Absolutely not. But you are suggesting that I, perhaps, say, a "hand"... is telling you, perhaps, say, an eye... that what you "see" isn't true. I have said no such thing... and won't... unless and until my Lord directs me to. In which case I most certainly will. However, it appears to me that you are saying that I have said such. Why so? And don't you think erroneously doing so lends itself to the perception by many that even we don't agree? Which we don't always do, but they don't really understand how that can be...

    Also I would like to make a comment on your interpretation of Genesis chapter 19, that Lot's wife died just because she "turned around in her heart". I strongly recommend you read through the chapter again and again until you see the truth.

    Ummmm... I don't think reading through the chapter... again and again... will help me see the truth (it obviously hasn't helped most folks who do so)... more than simply listening to our Lord, the Truth, will. See, cause he was there: he knew Lot AND Lot's wife. Per my Lord, the TRUTH is that neither Lot NOR his wife wanted to leave (which is why Lot himself kept lingering), but Lot knew his whole family could die if he didn't get his act together. He even bargained to go somewhere different (the City of Zoar) than where my Lord initially directed him (the mountainous region)... although he ultimately ended up where he was supposed to go after all. But he thought he might stay close in case all that he feared (the total destruction of the Sodom), DIDN'T occur. But it did... and so he eventually hiked his butt on up into the mountains.

    This time, leave the ORGs wrong teachings behind. Yes! it says in verse26 "But Lot's wife behind him looked back, and she became a pillar of salt". But a lot happened BEFORE this took place. I have a question for you AGuest, why was she turned into a pillar of salt? This may help you to see the truth and understand.

    According to my Lord, it was because her heart... i.e., her family, friends, loved ones, possession, desires, etc., were all in that city. And she regretted what was happening to it. She did not want its end because she was a part of it. She was initially to be spared because of Lot. One did not have to be righteous oneself to be saved from that event... and we know this because the offer to get out was also made to Lot's sons-in-law. Indeed, the offer was:

    "Do you have ANYONE else here? Son-in-law and your sons and your daughters... and ALL WHO ARE YOURS IN THE CITY... BRING OUT OF THE PLACE."

    Obviously, the sons-in-law weren't considered "righteous" - they laughed in Lot's face. Lot's wife HAD to go with Lot... but she didn't WANT to... and that was DEMONSTRATED and made MANIFEST... when she disobeyed the directive, "Do not look behind you." Why WOULD you, if you knew the city to be filled with violence and debasement? The only reason is because you left someone... something... behind... and your heart was "with" that someone and/or something.

    Why salt? The word of my Lord is that salt was the most abundant mineral in the soil at that particular time and in that particular place (Sodom... or Siddim... was located very near the Salt Sea) and part of what our "long garment of skin" is made of. Thus, salt was the "dust" SHE returned to.

    Lastly, if you feel you can go back each year into the condemned city to have fellowship with them,


    Definition of FELLOWSHIP

    1: compansionship, company 2: a: community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience b: the state of being a fellow or associate 3 : a company of equals or friends : association 4 : the quality or state of being comradely

    They don't welcome or greet me (I do greet them, however). They don't consider me a companion or associate, nor I them. We do not share a community of interest, feeling or experience. And we can't say we share an activity: they don't eat and drink with me. Heck, I don't even know if they COUNT me. Where is the "fellowship"?

    you need to ask yourself IF YOU REALLY ARE OF THE BODY OF THE CHRIST?

    Ummmmm... okay. I think I know the answer, but if it will make you feel better... I will... hold on... ummmm... yes... YES! According to my Lord, yes, I am REALLY a member of His Body... and set IN that Body... just as my Father JAH wills. So, yep, I think we're good, there!

    Jesus would certainly never do this, have fellowship with Satan.

    Fellowship, no. Yet, he went to the temple, which he called a den of thieves. Yes?

    You may have a lot of readers who love your comments "peace be with you and all" but so did the apostle Peter who also had a lot of friends too by compromising with the truth, but this did not stop the apostle Paul publicaly condemning Peter for having a different view from Jesus Christ. (Galations 2v11-15) He had compromised with the Jews to appease them instead of being bold and standing up for the truth.

    Indeed. Peter even denied our Lord three times. Yet, Peter remained called as one of the 12. Paul's position was... what?

    I don't follow Peter... or Paul... dear Bible Brain. Or the Bible. I follow the Lamb... WHEREVER... HE... GOES. And so, now, he has directed me to ask YOU... that if he GOES... BACK... in HER... to call OUT... a sheep that belongs to HIM... what are YOU going to do? STOP following him?

    Perhaps that is what you will do, dear one. But I have to follow him. And from what I know of him... he will go back... again... and again... to find even the one... IF there is still one. To call that one... and lead them OUT. Once he has gotten ALL of his sheep OUT... THEN he goes before them and they ALL... follow him. Wherever HE goes. Indeed, he will leave the entire other 99... to go find that ONE sheep... so that NONE are left behind.

    Thus, it is far, far beyond ME, then, to say to him, "Uh-uh, no, Lord, YOU can go back for them, but I won't." Nope, not in my new "nature."

    You say also, there are still some belonging to Isarel inside the city, but, our God and father has called all HIS loyal ones

    "to come out of her and he will take them in"

    Yes, and such ones may HEAR the call... while they are IN... and he GOES in... to get them:

    "he calls his own sheep by name and LEADS them... out..."

    Some will hear the call... but NOT come out... NOT separate themselves and quit touching the unclean thing. Those that DO, however, are chosen. Many are called; few... are chosen.

    If they are the true Israel today, they would have heeded the spirit and would have already been removed by the angels.

    If that were the case, there would only be ONE calling, dear one, which can't be because I am SURE there are those who heard it... and came out... before I did. And I was not led out by the angels (that was Sodom). I was led out by my Lord himself, the Fine Shepherd. He called me... by name... and personally led me out. No angels involved at all.

    What you are saying in effect is:~ when God allowed the city of Sodom to be destroyed, maybe, some were good people after all still inside. No! the angels removed all the righteous ones first before handing the city over for destruction.

    I agree. And I agree as to the City of Jerusalem during the first century. However, in BOTH cases, there were good people in those cities just prior to their destruction. For Sodom, up to the very night before. For Jerusalem, at least 4 years prior to. Now, I realize that you believe the WTBTS was handed over in 2006... which would make this about 4 years... and so I understand your... ummmm... position. However, the Holy One of Israel, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... has not told ME of such an event and so I went where HE led me this past year. Now, if what you say is true... and I HEAR that from him... it well could be that he tells me NOT to go back next year. But he hasn't given me such instruction as of now, so I cannot say. We have to wait and see.

    In the meantime, I have absolutely NO problem explaining to those who ask why is it that I have done it up to this point.

    So too today, all the righteous ones have been removed.

    While I can say with a CERTAINTY that while those yet inside may have heard the call, they have NOT been chosen... I CANNOT say that all who WILL be called and chosen... have been removed. From ANY "city"... whether that be the WTBTS, Catholicism, or what have you. YOU might have that "authority." I do not. As far as I know... the Spirit and the Bride are STILL saying "Come!", to ALL who are wishing and ALL who are thirsting... even those who may not have yet even taken a drink!

    As for me, dear one, I have not heard, yet, from MY Lord, that he... the DOOR to the "Ark" [of the Covenant]... has been shut. Or that HE... who is the WAY... has been closed and thus access cut off. And until I HEAR such a thing... FROM my Lord, I will continue to do MY part in fulfilling the part of that prophesy that says:

    "Let anyone HEARING... SAY: 'Come!'"

    I hear... and so I STILL join the Spirit and His Bride in saying:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... which water will bubble up in one to impart everlasting life... and in poured out from the innermost parts of my Lord, Master, and King... the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies...FREE!"

    Even to those who constitute themselves my enemies. Because I was once among them, one of them... and so it is what I would want someone who GOT out... to do for me.

    I bid you the greatest of love and peace, dear Bible Brain... and ears to hear our Lord... rather than eyes that see only what the Bible "says."

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and fellow slave of Christ,


    You may have a lot of readers who love your comments "peace be with you and all".....Bible Brain

    Dam Straight!..

    Even ones like me,who don`t share Shelby's beliefs..

    I doubt you`ll find a more kind and caring person on this board..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • bible brain
    bible brain


    CHEERS AGuest,

    I have read what you have had to say about what YOUR LORD told you about Lot's wife becoming a pillar of salt because it was close to the dead sea. Actually, there was NO dead sea, sea of salt, until after the destruction of Sodom. Now Sodom is under that sea.

    I now realise this web site is not for me, I was looking for the true church of the Christ, the ones who have holy spirit and read the bible as their "bread from heaven" through Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus was able to read from the scroll of Isaiah, and say, this has now been fulfilled, He knew the scriptures in his heart, so too, they are in my heart and I too can quote them. CAN YOU?

    you have a great list of friends and followers AGuest but sadly you are misleading them too.

    Hope you find what you are looking for AGuest.

  • bible brain
    bible brain


    My last entry on this web site is for "OUTLAW"

    you speak well, you do not share Shelby's beliefs BUT SHE IS A KIND AND CARING PERSON,

    being a kind and acaring person is not the issue here. If she is teaching things that are NOT true according to the holy bible,

    she is no better than the Jehovah's witnesses today. People reading about "peace and love go with you" will not give anyone

    eternal life, but it will just make them feel good.

    Stay with your "peace and love go with you" and I shall go elswhere in search of holy spirit and truth.

    Thanks for letting me share a little of the apostate comments on this web site.

    I realise they are not for me who are looking for truth. This is just another substitue for the ORG. Good luck.

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