For those who were partakers

by mamalove 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • bible brain
    bible brain


    I hope you are all at peace now after following your hearts.

    I found all these comments very interesting, and very similar to my own experience. but there is something I am not convinced about, and that is you all still refer to "Jehovah God"?

    How do you explain 2nd Thess 2? The man of lawlessness WILL be revealed on the "day of the Lord".

    Has he been revealed to any of you yet? If so, who is it?

  • bible brain
    bible brain


    If you read John chapter 6 you will see Jesus explaining to the Jews, both believers and unbelievers that EVERYONE must eat of the body of the Christ to have a resurrection and eternal life.

    He likened himself to the "living bread" that came down from heaven, and to the "manna" in the wilderness which EVERYONE ate of, both Jews and none Jews.

    He also said "UNLESS you eat of my flesh, you have no life in you".

    The society of JWS are totally wrong to forbid anyone to partake, it should be for everyone who puts faith in Jesus Christ.

    In their memorial song, they sing "from what mourishment we MUST be fed" and then stop them from eating and gaining life.

    Please read

    Just like the garden of Eden where Satan told Eve she would not die if she ate of the fruit, where our God said she would.

    So too, Jesus says we must eat of his flesh if we want eternal life and a resurrection on the last day and the governing body under Satan, says we will die if we eat from it.

    Same old arguament. Who will you listen to?

  • Inkie

    Cattails: Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement. I appreciate it.

    Bible Brain:

    You wrote:

    I found all these comments very interesting, and very similar to my own experience.

    Do you care to share your experience for the encouragement and upbuilding of the Body of Christ? You don’t have too, of course.

    You also wrote:

    but there is something I am not convinced about, and that is you all still refer to "Jehovah God"?

    I’m not sure whom you are addressing when you ask this question. Those here who profess to be of the “body” or just those who are ex-JWs. As for me, I will tell you my take on the name “Jehovah.” That spelling and pronunciation are not correct—even the Society admits that. However, they use it because it is “familiar” to most people as the name of God because of the numerous Bible translations. I get that. Do I have a problem with that name? No, not really. I don’t. However, I KNOW that God’s name is simply and truly just—“Jah.” Jah (pronounced: “Yah”) is the name that I now use. While I recognize that the name “Jehovah” is incorrect, it still to a degree (greater or lesser) is a name attributed to the Almighty God and for that reason, while I choose not to use that name because of it not being correct, I still have a degree of respect for it. I will not vilify or in any way excoriate that name or pronunciation unlike many here on this Board. I just recognize that it is not correct.

    As for question regarding 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2, it has not yet been revealed to me who that “man” is.


  • donuthole

    Sometimes I may use the name "Jehovah" when quoting from the NWT or discussing things with JW's, but quite frankly the "Jehovah God" they worship is very strange and foreign to me. He is certainly not the God of Love that I have come to know. I'm content to address God as "Father" in the pattern set by Christ.

    I cannot say for certain who the "man of lawlessness" but I will suggest that he is represententive of the first man of sin, namely Adam/Lucifer, who though being in the image of God and appointed as a ruler, attempted to elevate his throne above that of the Almighty. For that he was cast down to the dirt, even to sheol.

  • mamalove

    This is interesting. As someone raised a JW, but who has left, from what I can tell, those who were/are JW's seemed to be questioned if they partook?! Did you feel like the elders were making you feel like a whackadoo for partaking, like someone who was a little unstable? That is what I am getting from some of you.

    I wonder if there are any JW loyalist elders on here who would comment as to what makes a partaker legit in their eyes, enough so they don't feel the need to shepard and confirm they should be drinking and eating? It is amazing to me the acceptable amount of judgment that is widely accepted and promoted! Makes me glad I left.

  • donuthole
    Did you feel like the elders were making you feel like a whackadoo for partaking, like someone who was a little unstable?

    I can't speak for others but when I had the "don't partake" shepherding call I was outright accused of being mentally unstable. (The elders cited a brief stint of depression I had six years previous in regard to a job I was working.) The elders referred to a certain WT article that had said, "we don't judge" but the proceeded to outline the criteria used to judge. In that article mental instability was listed along with things like having a history of drug use.

  • Lozhasleft

    Inkie & Donuthole - I can relate to parts of both of your stories. I was anointed in 1992 (my only reference was the JW version of it too ) and it was an undeniable experience which stays with me to this day. Partaking (without permission, just informing them I had to do this) brought difficult controversy from some ...but Revelation warned me about 'cowardice' and Jesus warned about the consequences of 'denying' him. I wasnt a little old sister on a zimmer either so it came under scrutiny. A fuller account of my experiences is in my first intro post on here.

    I now believe that people in many different faiths are 'called' by God in various ways that they'll be able to understand...for me it was an action upon my heart which I felt physically but the effect was spiritual. It was the most important and phenomenal event in my whole life.

    Loz x

  • Inkie

    I am reminded of that text at John 10:1-6, in The Jerusalem Bible, which says:

    'In all truth I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold through the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a bandit. 2 He who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the flock; 3 the gatekeeper lets him in, the sheep hear his voice, one by onehe calls his own sheep and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all those that are his, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow because they know his voice. 5 They will never follow a stranger, but will run away from him because they do not recognise the voice of strangers.'


  • thenoblelodge

    mama - I didn't partake when I was 'in' because I found out the WT was a lie and up and left (bit of a story attached to that) very quickly. Shortly after I realised that everyone should be able to partake freely. If we had stayed 'in' I would have partaken, but would have been DF'd for doing so. I take the bread and wine every day now and we shall get together on memorial night with friends and partake, but it will be at someones home and not at a K/hall. Good thread by the way

    Inkie - what an experience you had

    Loz just read your story again. (((((hugs)))))

  • Lozhasleft

    The last memorial I attended I had just been disfellowshipped and didnt then have the knowledge about the Org that I've since gained, so I didnt partake. It broke my heart, made me ill for a long time. Since then I have no idea really what to do about my calling/anointing, but I know I'll never go back, they dont have God's spirit there, of that I'm certain. I am in no rush to join any other religion and I know that God knows how I feel about him so I dont live in fear of hurting him, but I do wonder sometimes where I might now belong.....currently being on here seems to keep me going....

    Loz x

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