Watchtower Organization.... A "Sexual paradise" What do you think?

by koolaid-man 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    But I think at the same time the WT is pretty good too at using tabloid-like sensationalism in its appeal to JWs - so maybe it does work. The way I see it though is that ALL Religions and Religious-oriented exwitnesses or ex-whatevers are going to come accross the same way. Their agenda is to sell their religion. Koolaid man is no different - just wants to market his own brand. CARM and all those other "my religion is the best" blow-hards are all the same in my view. The JWs did get one thing right a long time ago though - religion is a snare and a racket. Religions - even religous groups that focus on ex-other-religions - are the greatest marketing ploys of all time. I think Koolaid man still drinks the koolaid but because its a different flavor he says it's not koolaid.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LOL, true that, just n.

  • pmljohn

    I am not familiar with 'Koolaid Man' and his postings. I wrote my response based on my experiences. If I was to speculate, I would think that "sexual paradise" as it relates to the WTBTS and JW's, is more in line with what I experienced, than some bacchanal orgy-like environment. Honestly, I never saw that kind of behavior while inside. But the reality is, is that when you teach people, in detail, all about sex and every sexual act, some are going to want to know more. As I said above, I saw so many people come to my father, in great turmoil and hurt because they acted out on some sexual proclivity. Marriages ruined because 2 people, from different marriages, decided to sleep together. Young men and women, torn up because they masturbated, or worse, touched each other through their clothing. The list goes on and on, and I am sure the same issues and problems are there today.

    The point I was trying to make was this. If you teach sex, talk about sex, constantly, then some will act upon what they have learned. But why does it start with children? Why is it important that I, as a 10 year old boy, needed to know in detail, numerous sexual acts? It messed with my mind and I am certain it does with many others. The JW's are a sexualized bunch. I would bet, based on my interactions with others in other religions, that JW's talk sex way more than any other religion. That is what I feel constitutes the "sexual paradise" that Koolaid mentioned. Maybe not, but either way, there is and was a lot of sexual activity happening in the org.

    Beyond that, I cannot speak to anything else Koolaid Man or anyone else for that matter, says about the JW's. I can only share my experiences. But, like the political blogs I participate in, there are always those individuals who nit-pick, distract, and change up subjects without offering anything of value. I really hate to see that kind of behavior here, where all any of us want to do is share our experiences, learn some new points, and hopefully grow into better human beings than what we once were. That is all.

  • yesidid

    As I said above, I saw so many people come to my father, in great turmoil and hurt because they acted out on some sexual proclivity

    So your father spoke to you about all the things publishers had told him in a setting they thought to be confidential? WOW

  • koolaid-man

    The record speaks for itself! Listen to our callers on the conference ,then cast judgement.

  • koolaid-man

    A January 1, 1986 WT article (p. 13), commented that: "Shocking as it is, even some who have been prominent in Jehovah's organization have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting."

  • coffee_black


    I really think you need to look at the criticism expressed (here and on other threads) in an objective manner...and not just get defensive and dismiss it. There is some constructive criticism to be had if you take it to heart.

    I think the problem lies with the way the material is presented...a matter of style... that can be extremely off putting, and call into question the credibility of the material. Think of it this way... which do you think has more credibility...the National Enquirer or National Geographic? To many, your style is bombastic.. reminiscent of Rutherford with the bullhorns in front of the churches. Most xjws want to distance themselves as far as possible from that kind of behavior.

    To me, the sensationalism takes away from the message. Your website, in all honesty, is downright spooky. If I was just coming out of the wt, and stumbled upon your website... I would run in the oposite direction, because the atmosphere and the background music to a jw mind would appear demonized. Truly. I know you are trying to make the watchtower appear demonic, but that strategy backfired, because you are actually making your website appear so. This is not just my opinion. I have heard it expressed many times by others. The atmosphere there is threatening...and many would not get passed the home page. The style eclipses the substance. Sad...because you do have some good material there.

    I know of many ministries to xjws, and am an active part on one. Most ministries try to be as low key and non threatening as possible. Yours is in your face and flamboyant...not what most are looking for in the early stages of exiting the wt. I know, because for several years, I manned the 800-why-1914 helpline, substituting for Marilyn when she needed a break. Most callers in the early stages of leaving are scared to death. The last thing you want to do is scare them further. You have asked me in the past to be a guest on your teleconference. I just can't do that in good conscience.

    I'm not saying this to offend you. I know you are sincere...we have met. I just think that you would have results that carried futher respect if you approached this in a different manner.


    A January 1, 1986 WT article (p. 13), commented that: "Shocking as it is, even some who have been prominent in Jehovah's organization
    have succumbed to immoral practices, including homosexuality, wife swapping, and child molesting." .....KoolAid Man

    That does`nt look like a Sexual Paradise to me.....It`s a Twisted Idea of a Sexual Paradise..

    The entire WBT$ Organization is a Sickness..

    Promoting the WBT$ as a Sexual Paradise, is ridiculas..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The WATCHTOWER a "sexual paradise?"

    Maybe I ought to start going back to the meetings! LOL!

    With their long list of what is appropriate and inappropriate for consenting adults and the eagerness of the pervs in the Body of Elders to "closely observe" the behavior of the flock, I don't think they'll be giving Plato's Retreat a run for their money anytime soon.

    ...but mayube this explains why Kingdom Halls have no windows.

    "Hello, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My companion and I have been visiting the homes in your neighborhood today to share some good news about an exciting new prodcut called "Zion's Lube"...

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey Rick - I enjoy your teleconferences and feel that what you are doing is important and necessary. Don't let the complaints of folks who DO NOTHING harsh your mellow, my man!

    I thought of this while listening to the archive of one of the recent SIX SCREEENS teleconferences:

    possible new WATCHTOWER jargon - "theocratic whore stategy." Listen for it at next year's assemblies!

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