Watchtower Organization.... A "Sexual paradise" What do you think?

by koolaid-man 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soldier77

    Sexual Paradise? Uh.. hell no. Sexually frustrated more like it.

  • brotherdan

    I agree with a pedophiles paradise. But not a sexual paradise. While I have great respect for Rick Fearon and the six screens site, there is ALOT of sensationalism that goes on there.

    I like what Ray Franz said. He said that the anger, bitterness, and sensationalism often ruin the credibility of everyone that is trying to expose the WT. We have seen Alice do that very thing. She thinks EVERYONE is lying about EVERYTHING dirty about the WT.

    Barbara Anderson was on the sixscreens conf call earlier this year and she was awesome. When off the wall stories would come up about the WT that were untrue, she would call the person on it. We don't have to take the gloves off and fight dirty. There is enough TRUE things that the organization does that is bad. When we either make stuff up or exagerate claims, we are just taking away from EVERYONES credibility.

  • miseryloveselders

    Well put BrotherDan.

  • yesidid

    Thank you Brotherdan you said what I wanted to say, but a whole lot nicer.

  • pmljohn

    Having been raised in a JW household, son of the "Presiding Overseer," and privy to many a confidential meeting, I can say that YES, YES, YES, the WT Org is, or at least was, a sexual paradise. In 20+ years, I saw and heard of so many issues involving sex and JW's. And even if you take away all of the "sinners," there was still the complete obsession with sex and anything sexual.

    I have expressed to my wife, (not raised JW, and not JW) how much information I had in my head, from a very early age. Before I was a teenager, I was not only aware of terminology like Incest, Masturbation, Bestiality, Homosexuality, Fornication, Adultery, Necrophilia, and numerous other words, but I also knew what they meant. What child needs to know that kind of information? Because of the introduction and subsequent forbidden nature of these things, I was, like many normal kids, curious to know more. What was masturbation all about? What does fornication look like? I was finding a way to view porn (old Playboys) in grade school. And as I grew older, I turned to shoplifting, stealing Penthouse magazines from the convenience store and hiding them in the basement. I grew up so sexualized and in tune with what I shouldn't be doing, that I had no idea what was right, what was wrong, safe or unsafe. I am extremely lucky that I did not get a disease, get someone pregnant, or get arrested.

    When I got older, and got married, to a JW, we both had a warped sexuality. Obviously we had relations as husband and wife, but because of the input of sexual "advice" and the denial of so much growing up, we eventually started seeking out other, less than acceptable thrills. Sex in public. Sex on airplanes. Sex in the Mall. Outside the club. Eventually, our marriage became open, each of us seeking more and more sexual thrill. And, as I am sure you all know, that ended badly. We worked less and less on our actual relationship, each seeking a different path. And, soon enough, we divorced.

    After completely separating myself from this cult, I started to see how chaste and appropriate those "worldly people" behaved. Many of the people I met had not had sex with multiple people. No one I met had open marriages. Of course there was the random cheater, but honestly, even they behaved and treated their partners better than I did and many JW"s I was associated with, did. I realized that, if sex was not discussed so early, if it was not treated as something so horrible and bad, I might have had a much more balanced view of the whole thing. As it stands, I still desire some of the "porn-like" behavior, but my wife (2nd and last) loves me, has helped ground and balance me, and I am a better person because of that. And as far as my children, both 13 years of age.....they are aware of sex and certain sexual terms. But they do not surf porn (yet), they do not sneak and watch inappropriate television, they are not stealing or sneaking out for porn or sex. They are 13, innocent as much as they can be in this Internet age. And I am raising them to respect the act, to know right from wrong as it pertains to sex, and they are accepting and understand what they are and are not supposed to do. Is it perfect?? No. But it is better than the sexual paradise that I grew up in as a JW.

  • koolaid-man

    Well said pmljohn. Thank you.

  • sabastious

    Nice post brotherdan.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Well said pmljohn. Thank you.

    Translation: Finally someone who agrees with me!

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    That's awesome broken promises. When I first started dabbling into seeking out opinons of some who might have left the org - I immedietely came across koolaid's stuff and some other similar sensationalist sites. Needless to say I immediately thought - 'well there's my answer - that's what happens to people who leave - they become batshit crazy.' Not blaming him, but had I never seen his sites things might have gone a bit faster for me.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Koolaid-man reminds me of Kent Steinhaug’s web site 10 years ago. He also used sensationalism to get attention, but unfortunately it turned off JWs who were doubting.

    Using tabloid-style journalism is not the way to establish credibility.

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