The evidence AGAINST evolution.

by nicolaou 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    NAT: Very insightfull. I will assume you do not have any issues and your behaviour is simply due to general misadjustment and you are not here because you are loonely. In that case your response reek of creationist braindamage.
    Atheists are a sorry bunch who are unhappy, we have delusions of grandour, we have started a new religion, Darwin/Dawkins somehow correspond to priests and you are somehow justified in your braindead rants because you are so right you should not have to argue your point.

  • NowAndThen


    In Dawkin's and Darwin's name, I consign thee to the apes!

  • bohm

    NAT: jes. copy-pasting from AiG would be an improvement.

  • NowAndThen


    You've lost me there. Anyway, we need not throw flames over evolution or creation. Parallels. We may argue the facts or lack thereof until cocks lay eggs, we are likely not to agree. I am in a lighthearted mood and none of what I write need be taken seriously. Life's too short, you know. If evolution works for you, so be it. You should not be shot for it nor should creationists be hanged. I have weighed the "evidence" of evolution and gone away not satisfied. Nor am I fully sold on creation, at least not in the way religions explain it.

    So before taking what I pound out too seriously, go brew yourself some coffee or whatever works for you.

    I am on this board to comment where I feel like commenting, and in the method I choose.

    May your day turn out beautifully.

  • bohm


    at first

    .... as long as you bow down to your tingod Richard Dawkins ... This board is the most unbalanced by a long shot, filled to the brim with the walking dead ... why would people moan so much ... perhaps you all did yourselves in. ... they have chosen other masters (Dawkins, Darwin) ... They lavish in their newfound "joy" of embracing agnosticism and atheism. Something says it is all fake, overall ... It is all sad ... most here need a life!


    ... we need not throw flames over evolution or creation ... I am in a lighthearted mood and none of what I write need be taken seriously. Life's too short, you know. If evolution works for you, so be it ... May your day turn out beautifully.

  • NowAndThen

    You're just like the WTS!

    Anyway, you got me there. You've got a life, finally. And you have evolved.

  • bohm

    NAT: how am i like the WTS?

  • NowAndThen

    You're stuck in time like they are. I've moved on - isn't that what evolution is all about?

  • bohm

    Interesting. So which criteria should a person here generally fullfill to be like the WTS? Post count? Time here? Disagreeing with you?

  • nicolaou

    NowAndThen: So Dawkins is my 'Master' and my 'Tingod'? That's just fine, of course you do realize you haven't actually addressed the topic itself? Well if childish taunts do it for you . . . .

    Or . . . .

    You could explain to me why whales have leg bones - your choice.

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