College is a waste of time and money

by cyberjesus 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DaCheech

    even if you get a medium paying job after college the experience is priceless.

    there are worse things to waste your money on.

    the only exception is, if you're gonna go in big time debt to do the education

  • aquagirl

    What??!!!! The end is near? No,really? Now i am reeeeeally scared.And pissed off as I just paid my 2010 property taxes. curses!!!!!!

  • WTWizard

    As much as I believe the whole accrediting system is a scam designed to lock people into the 1950s, college is a practical necessity to land a job at all these days. People should be allowed to send their children to college, or go there themselves, so they can get a more rounded education and a decent chance of getting a job that pays a decent wage.

    And no, college is not a complete waste of time and money even if you get a ditch digging job. You get experience in the real world, and often this is what children use to separate from their parents. All too often I see witless children staying with their parents well into their 30s, or even later, simply because there is no division of when to move or because the Washtowel prevented them from growing up. College is a good halfway house for people that still want limited dependence but are wanting to break free from their parents, and that should not be taken away from them.

    Likewise, it should be up to the parents and children. College is not absolutely necessary for survival. We have Billy Joel and Kenny Loggins, two very successful pop stars, that not only didn't go to college but dropped out of high school. Actors and people in decorating businesses do not necessarily need a college degree to be successful. And, if you are at the very leading edge of new technology, college is going to avoid it like the plague because they are bought out by the Establishment through the credit system. Some people do well to learn a trade, and become proficient without the need for college. However, that decision should be strictly between parents and children (and guidance counselors in high school, who are getting paid to assist students to make those decisions) and not some old fogeys that have zero tolerance of younger people's attitudes.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    College is about WAY MORE than getting a good job.

    A liberal education is priceless to a born-in JW. It is the narrow door leading to life (it was in my case, anyway, even if it came decades late).

  • GromitSK

    K-12= Kindergarten to 12th grade

    Aha! Thanks :)

  • wasblind

    When a JW go to the hospital for major surgery are they not glad that this Dr. when to college?

    or would they prefer one of the GB members to do the Surgery.

  • AGuest
    College is a waste of time and money

    When you've lived a couple/few decades you learn a few things, dear CJ (peace to you!) and one thing that I learned is that misery really DOES love company. The WTBTS folks proved that to me more than any other experience I ever had in my entire life.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


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