How the TRINITY covers up the murder of Jehovah

by Terry 146 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    Love, Terry.

    Love is the bottom line, at least for me. You did not answer the second question, btw. You are stuck on the fact that I might not have the exact words and are refusing to look at what those words actually are telling us.

    As for the inquisition - if they twisted Jesus words, well, then they didn't follow what they twisted those words into, now did they? Neither did the catholic church, or those who are responsible for the crusades, or anything that brought harm to one's neighbor or enemy. Jesus never sanctioned execution. Jesus never sanctioned killing in his name. Not for heretics or witchcraft or anything that had been done according to the OT.

    Jesus said to judge NOT.

    And yet--amazingly--the very people he hung around with and spoke to every day really had little clue what he was talking about!!

    This is an assumption on your part.

    What are the odds anybody remembered Jesus' EXACT WORDS three hundred years later (when scriptures began to be written down.)

    EXACT words? Odds are that we don't have the EXACT words of all he spoke. But his message? I think the odds are good on that. And we do have a great many manuscripts that are similar and that do not change the meaning of those words in any significant way - or the message of love that is inherent in each of the gospels and letters - whichever translation we use.


  • PSacramento

    Remebering Jesus's exact words?

    Dude, you had no problem quoting Socrate's "exact words", even though its unproven he existsed and all we have are Plato's writings about Sorate's words.

    No one remembers the exact words of any ancient historical figure, we may have testimony from those that heard them or heard about them, but that's it.

    That is why the bible, while a great book with many good points, and bad ones, can't be the sole channel to God.

    The bible is great for seeing what is written IN the BIBLE, it gives us an idea about what the followers of God and Jesus heard, wrote, thought, felt and were insipred to write.

    If you don't wanna believe ANYTHING in it, guess what, you don't have to.

  • tec

    The bible is great for seeing what is written IN the BIBLE, it gives us an idea about what the followers of God and Jesus heard, wrote, thought, felt and were insipred to write.


  • tec

    Oh - now I see the paradox, Psac :)

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    three hundred years later (when scriptures began to be written down.)

    Terry - three hundred years later????!! I believe you are way off on that one. There is an extant portion of the Gospel of John carbon dated to the 1st century -

    Nevertheless, an interesting discussion all the way 'round.

    I am presently perusing with great interest the Orthodox Study Bible, the footnotes of which (and they are profuse) present a great many 'proofs' of the Trinity even from within the Old Testament - one example being the visit to Abraham by three men representing the Father, the Son, the Spirit...etc. There are countless others, all from angles I have never even heard of - far too many to go into here (I am at work) - but FASCINATING nonetheless -

    Did the Trinity cover up the murder of Jehovah? I don't think so. It all comes down to when you believe the Trinity began. The Trinity 'doctrine' per se (although the Orthodox Church claims it was there even in the OT) came into being around 300 years after Jesus' sojourn on earth.

    My own thoughts on whether Jesus is God or merely a man are currently in a state of flux. If Jesus was only a man, I personally applaud his singlehandedly overturning the legacy of the Semitic worldview up to that point that God chose only one nation and punishment and extermination is all they deserved if they fell short of pleasing him by giving up his own life in sacrifice. IF Jesus is God, well, then, he had to murder HIMSELF...not sure if I can wrap my head around that one...

  • designs

    Ah Geeez not the 3 angels are the trinity crap.............if that's what studying orthodoxy revealed go Surfing instead

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    not the 3 angels are the trinity crap

    Designs, why is that crap exactly? That was just the first one that popped into my head. I don't have the Bible with me here to set out the umpteen other references - before you shoot off so quickly, might I suggest you get yourself a copy and check some of them out? Otherwise, please explain or REFUTE properly...

  • designs


    Honestly that argument is so old, I heard it the first time back around 1966 from a nice Seventh Day Adventist couple. Before people start spouting off on what they think and read into the OT take some classes at the local Synagogue and ask them what they think it means, their ancestors wrote it.

    Or check out a nice thorough work like: 'The Book Of Jewish Knowledge' by Nathan Ausubel, he specifically addresses the problem of 'christian re-interpretation' of the OT and the interpolation problem.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Ok, thanks designs! Will do - for sure there are a million different takes, and I enjoy investigating each one...thanks muchly for the book recommendation.

    Just because their ancestors wrote it, though, doesn't mean the dudes at the local synagogue are going to be that much better at 'interpreting'. Everybody sees what they want to, I guess.

  • designs


    Well take a chance and invite the local Rabbi to lunch (Kosher), should be an enlightening experience, and yes their's is a broad and rich experience but it is their ( My family's) experience.

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