What amount of Borg demise would you consider victory?

by Mad Sweeney 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    There's always a lot of discussion about "bringing down the WTS" and how it will "never happen" because they'll just keep going and going.

    So here's my question. Granted that barring some major international changes of a catastrophic SciFi nature the WTS is going to exist in some shape or form for the next hundred years and probably more, what progress on the "apostate" front would you personally consider a success?

    Would you simply be happy to have all of your blood relatives OUT?

    Is there some %growth or %decline that you would consider satisfactory?

    Would nothing short of an outright ban be good enough?

    Would significant major reforms such as repeal of the blood ban and shunning do it for you?

    What exactly would you consider a victory over Borg tyrrany?

  • brotherdan

    1. Total blood transfusion allowance

    2. Belief that Jesus is not Michael nor Abbadon

    3. Reversal of disfellowshiping policy

  • ziddina

    I don't know whether I'd call this the "Downfall" of the Borg, but...

    What I'd really really really REALLY like to see, is that file of 23,000+ pedophiles made public - I mean, REALLY PUBLIC, and the accompanying coverups that the WTBTS has performed to keep it secret...

    Along with that, I'd like to find out, once and for all, WHAT it was that Theodore Jaracz did in Australia that caused him to be summarily 'kicked out' of the Australian branch...

    Heck, I'd buy tickets!!!


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think a lot of people agree with you, brotherdan.

    I'm on the fence with the reform issue. If the Borg reforms then they will become mainstream and perpetuate the rest of their false teachings a lot longer. Then again, lives and families will be saved without a blood ban. And without shunning, at least "worldly" and "apostate" families will have free access to their Dub families. That way, if someone remains a JW it will not be out of ignorance, as it is now.

    So overall I think reform would be good. But it isn't the best case scenario to me unless it goes along with a flattening of growth or even better, a decline in total membership.

    Edit: Great points, Zid!

  • brotherdan

    I agree Sweeny. I would be the first one to celebrate the destruction of the borg. I just don't see it happening for many many years. Sad... So I will take what I can get. Save families, save lives, and live and let live. But put an end to the destruction of peoples lives.

  • pirata

    1) Blood Transfusion (line it up with what the Bible really teaches). At the very least, make it a concsience matter.

    2) Limit shunning to hypocrites ("so-called brother").

    3) Greater use of conscience in areas that the Bible is not specific on.

    4) Make reporting child abuse mandatory regardless of local law.

    5) Encourage discussion and questioning as a way to become more mature as a Christian

  • notverylikely

    What amount? How much cancer has to be gone before you consider victory?

  • Hadit

    One of the GB coming out and telling everyone the truth about the whole thing. Wake everybody up and a complete demise of the WTS. All the billions they accumulated be shared between people they destroyed either through their blood transfusion policy, pedophelia and/or sacrificing their whole life and having no retirement to live on and countless other damages they have incurred. People then start to learn what real love is. The WTS fades into the past as a vague nightmare.

    If you're going to dream - dream BIG.

  • elderelite

    I take a different approach... I would call victory seeing 20 or 25 million JW's world wide. Yep. The whole thing is based on a victims complex. If the thing grows significantly there would be no way to say "poor little old us"... If they fall apart or are "banned" it instantly viewed as persecution and proof of discipleship.

  • ziddina

    Pirata, good points, but... This one, #2, "Limit shunning to hypocrites ("so-called brother"). ..." would mean that the entire Governing Body and most of the District and Circuit overseers - and many elders - would have to be shunned, too!!!

    Mad Sweeney - thanks!!

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