Is it really so that some people here became Catholic after leaving the Borg?

by gubberningbody 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento
    I agree. So if we know that going in, our expectations will be lowered to the appropriate level, and we can stop expecting them to be perfect. The only religions that will still have trouble are the ones that raise the unreasonable expectations for themselves.

    Well said, we all have to lie in the bed we make.

    Religion fills a psychological need for some people, and that's what it should be there for - not as an infallible ticket-punching attendant for salvation.

    I agree, I think that many people need a "religion" to put a "standard" on their faith, hopes and beliefs.

    Some don't need that and that's fine, but others do, they need the fellowship that comes with an organized religion too.

    Different strokes for different folks and all shoudl be respected, unless the law is being broken or lives are in danger.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was surprised that many of the ex-JW's from the 70's and 80's became more-or-less fundamentalist Christians. See

    But each person takes his own path. While organized religion is not for me, many enjoy the structure. I say as long as they avoid the DANGEROUS MIND-CONTROL cults, former JW's that go to groups that are a bit cultish (or even more than a bit) are there with their open minds and open eyes. I was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and I went back as an ex-JW. AA has cultish features, but I am aware of them and I keep my guard up.

    Catholicism allows the revolving door or the occasional attendee, there are rules but they don't actually shun Catholics that violate them.

  • superpunk

    It's like picking a political party - they all suck, just pick the one that you most closely identify with and hang on.

  • PSacramento
    I was surprised that many of the ex-JW's from the 70's and 80's became more-or-less fundamentalist Christians. See

    You shouldn't be, it makes since that someone that was "predisposed" to an extreme view point ( We are the truth and everyone else is not) would go to another extrem religious view point ( fundamentalist) or NO religious belief ( Atheisim).

  • BurnTheShips

    I was born and raised JW. I was taught the very worst things regarding Catholicism. JWs are huge anti-Catholics! All non-JW faiths are evil, but Catholics get singled out for special treatment.

    However, after leaving, I read and studied for myself. I thought for myself. I embraced Catholicism for myself.


  • BurnTheShips
    Catholicsm is a fantastic religion! No wonder it is so popular. Ritual and ceremony that sets the high bar. Awe inspiring cathedrals and churches all over the world. Can incorporate any local pagan culture with no muss no fuss. Iconography up the kazoo. Deahthbed forgiveness for any soul no matter how vile, crawling with pedo clerics like ants on a sugar cube and it doesn't slow them down one bit! and don't forget the blood and gore! Christ on the cross, nails through the hands and feet, crown of thorns! Spear in the side. Statues bleeding tears of blood. Miracles and exorcisms. Choose your own personal saint! Rosary beads to help you keep track of your personal chanting, snack on the transmog. of bread and wine into Christs flesh and blood every day and twice on Sunday.



  • wannabefree

    I was raised Catholic. I can't see myself returning to the faith. Too many things just seem wrong ... priesthood, pope, praying to Mary and to saints ... perhaps my JW teaching has jaded me, but these things just seem so unscriptural.

  • tec

    I find that Catholics are a lot more accepting of different faiths than most fundamentalists groups. Pope John Paul II even said that an eternal hell of burning torture was not in line with a loving God. I thought that was pretty major.

    I'm not Catholic, or any denomination, but since I think we've all got some truth/some lies, then its kind of hard to throw stones at any one religion - especially one that is accepting of you.


  • Think About It
    Think About It
    I was raised Catholic. I can't see myself returning to the faith. Too many things just seem wrong ... priesthood, pope, praying to Mary and to saints ... perhaps my JW teaching has jaded me, but these things just seem so unscriptural.

    Wannabefree.......don't take this wrong, but I found ths funny. It can be applied to the WTS today.

    "Too many things just seem wrong....the GBhood, GBpope, praying about the GB, for the GB, the GB is the only channel to God, etc."

    Think About It

  • beksbks

    Yes out of the frying pan and into the fire so to speak.

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