Calling all lovers of Jehovahs and His Christ

by vinman 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • prologos
    Even the crashes are part of the creative process! Have you thought of looking at all of nature as it is, unvarnished, to get a grasp on the nature of the creator? It is comforting to think that one is special, but perhaps we should not take it so personal. Life seems to favor those that take personal responsibility instead. Hearing about jehovah and jesus all your life makes them real to you, but those that taught this concept also taught talking snakes and asses, cloned ladies. Could those photons bouncing of that 12 inch mirror, through that foot lens be less awesome if a less personal creator were well far back behind it all?
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "The first answer that comes to my mind is: to get the result of crashing two galaxies."

    If such a god were the all knowing god of the Bible or any similar religion he would already know what the results would be before he even creates those galaxies.

    "If, from the micro perspective, you happened to live on one of those small molecular structures facing destruction you'd have one view."

    I think the OP had a much more benevolent creator in mind who counts every hair on your head.

  • vinman
    The Watchtower did not teach about why to trust Bible. Did not teach me why I need to worship Yahweh. Did not teach me the reality of Jesus,
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    "The Watchtower did not teach about why to trust Bible. Did not teach me why I need to worship Yahweh. Did not teach me the reality of Jesus,"

    I realize that the Watchtower has nothing worthy to teach us but you tied in your beliefs to the Universe's existence and I responded with an example of 'Creation' that should cause people to think twice before attributing it to the Judeo-Christian-Muslim god.

    By the way, have you read Carl Sagan's book Cosmos?

  • Jonathan Drake
  • jhine

    Vinman , another book I would recommend is The Language of God by Francis Collins .

    Prologos not every.Christian sees the need to take the literally

    Genesis is a way to explain who made us and why in the language that the people of the time would understand . No scientists back then to tell us about subatomic particles and quarks and so on .


  • FayeDunaway
    He asked the question of 'those who felt like him'! You all were much gentler than often, but still, why chime in in this case? Wouldnt it be the same if someone came in with Christian comments when someone asked to hear atheist views? It'd be annoying as heck, right?
  • FayeDunaway
    Couldn't agree more, jan.
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Vinman said: "I would praise and thank him for 'all the wonderful things he has done'"

    That about explains it for me. To each his own.


    Why would God crash two galaxies together ?

    Why not ?

    It appears that on this site if you are not in full agreement with or not towing a certain line you are......not really that welcome here. Now that is the kind of treatment I have just left back in the Borg.

    There is a definite lack of civility on the part of some here and it is really so unnecessary - But it reveals a lot too! Sadly !.

    So someone starts a topic with absolute sincerity and then next minute he is fighting off a bunch of rabid dogs -

    Lawdy some of you must have been really shitty to be around in the Kingdom Halls - Well thankfully I don't have to wake up next to you each new day ! But you have to wake up next to yourself - Get a life. For Gods sake please don't breed !

    If you cant be civil - don't Be !

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