Where were you when you first came here?

by Xena 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    I noticed in a couple of threads people discussing the impact this board would have on JW's with doubts coming here and reading the messages. It got me to wondering where most people that post here were at...what stage in their JW/EX JW process...when they started reading and/or posting here.

    Also curious, when you did come here what was your main focus? Looking at the research sites? The religious or philosophical discussions? Healing and moving on discussions? lol or just plain fluff?

    Personally I was out for about a year and had been posting on another EX JW board before coming here. I found the candor and openness of this board very refreshing! The emotional and healing aspects initally drew me also...and of course now I am a fluffer nutter

  • JeffT

    I've been out since 1989. I first came here just to yak at people with a shared background. If this thing had existed when I was feeling my way out of the Borg, I would have reached Jedi in about a week.

  • Adonai438

    I have been out of the WT for 6years. I am not sure how I stumbled on this board a few months ago but here I am. I left the WT because their beliefs did not jive with the Bible and I am now a Christian.
    My husband and myself have a ministry to cults in our area. I come here to read others opinions and stories and contribute some of the Bible's point of view on things. It helps me know where other types of people that are or were JW are comming from. I try to help the seeking JW or still JW with info and encourage those who have left.
    Just my 2cents :) <>< Angie


    I still go to the meetings. I started having doubts. Posted on another site. Someone from that site e-mailed me about this one. Read Crisis of Conscience then I knew. Now I'm doing the slow fade.
    This place is great it has helped me alot.



  • TR


    I had assumed that this board was really a JW board when I first arrived.(July 2000) LOL! I used a different name for a while to hide my identity from JWs who might have recognized me from other boards.

    "JW Talk" was a message board that I ran for a while until I found this one. Man, it was flame city there for a while. I've been an anti-WT person since about '97. I left the borg in '95.


    "YK is his name, false prophecy is his game"

  • Mum

    I left the org in 1979. My daughter discovered H2O in 1997. Both of us posted there sporadically. After it went offline, I was at a loss for a while. One day I was checking out something at freeminds.org and saw a link to this board. Many of the H2O posters are here now, so I felt at home right away.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • logical

    I was still under their control when I found this site. Then I found out about the baptism questions.

  • betweenworlds

    When I first came here I was using the handle eyesopened. I was extremely confused. Not only about JW beliefs, but extremely conflicted about the God of the bible as well. I had written a letter to a pioneer sister to try to work through some of my feelings. As you can well imagine this went over like a lead balloon As soon as anyone has any truly serious questions the red *apostate* flags go up in their minds (I know I remember doing the same thing)

    However I did find much comfort and support at this board which I discovered shortly after I wrote my letter to the above mentioned sister. I was able to openly write what I was feeling without fear of being labeled or scorned. Thanks again for providing this sounding board Simon. It has helped so many people, myself included.


    Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. Lord Acton 1834-1902

  • teenyuck

    I did a fade from being a baptized publisher about 18 years ago.

    I came upon this because I had time to spend on the internet. I was recovering from back surgery and read every novel in the house and was bored. I started poking around and stumbled upon it thru "Google" search engine.

    I am thrilled to have found it. I find people like myself. Some out many years, some just out, some not out. Everyone is trying to figure out....something.

    I personally enjoy the JW discussion. It reminds me of what I am not missing. It also gives me a strong data base to pull from when I get into theocratic discussions with my mother or other dub relatives.

    I do not know if I will ever be "somewhere else" mentally regarding the borg. I just cannot seem to get over them.

  • GoldDustWoman

    How I came to this board. My Story.

    I wasn't a doubter or a current JW. Just searching the web for JW related sites. After 20 years of no contact, the very large JW contingent on my Mother's side decided they wanted to know us again.I guess they figured because "The End" hadn't come yet, and that inspite of being JW's, they had has many problems (if not more) than us heathen worldlys.

    So, I type in Jehovahs witnesses and was amazed at the amount of X-JW sites on the web. I suppose I just wanted to get a clearer picture of my extended family. My Father is a JW, but he never shunned me. Even after I made it perfectly clear that I would eat my spleen before becoming a JW. Anyway, our differences go way beyond the Org.

    I found Randy's Freeminds site. I just kept reading and reading. I had no idea how insideous the WTS was. I only had my childhood memories of no holidays, birthdays, and arguing with the neighborhood kids about the existence of heaven.

    I lurked at H20 for a while. Never posted. Then, I sort of lost interest. After several months, for some reason, that I don't remember now, I started taking an interest again. Went back to Randy's site and through that, I found this place.

    Like you, Xena, I also found the candor refreshing. I really enjoyed the humor too. Decided to make my first post on the infamous "Noah's Ark" (Do you want the REAL truth or not? )thread.

    Anyway, I have never been a baptisted JW. When I got here, I already thought that the doctrines were pure bull. However, I never realized what an evil cult they are. I have also come to understand, and not be so resentful of, my JW family. I possess a much clear view into their mindset. I don't like it, but I understand it. My JW baggage is very light compared to so many of the people here. I admire the guts it takes to fade, walk away, and DA.


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