Taliban prisoners in Cuba

by Abaddon 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Patriot


    Really who the hell cares? Some of you act like its a God damn crime to take these prisoners to an offshore Prison.

    Thats right screw 'em all friggin bastards! Don't you understand that the reason that we're still here is because they don't have the power to stop us?

    For crying out loud, what does it matter where the hell they're being held at?

    Do any of you think that the Al-queda would be as worried to how we would feel being locked up in their jails?

    Do you? Do you think that they'll call the Red-Cross to examine us?

    Do you think that they did not rejoice when the towers came down? Do you think that they said: ":lets crash the planes into them at night to get less casualties?

    Be glad that you live in a country that allows you to debate this point of view. If you don't like them being off shore then write to your congressman about it or get the hell out of the USA.

    Until you've been on the other side of automatic gunfire and sleeping through bombs and flares going off at all hours of the night, your instinct will be to debate these petty issues.

    Go into combat and see what these peoples' frame of mind are and you'll be thinking just like I do:

    Line 'em all up against the wall and let 'em have it...f**k the blind fold, they can see it coming!@


  • Seeker
    Seeker: ha, hahaaaaaaa.......is this the best you can do? I now up your fine to ten days at ground zero and one term learning "Civics 101" & "World History" (you must pass with a D+ or better) Good luck.


    Read. Learn. Think.

  • Valis

    Did I mention they were recieving medical attention and culturally appropriate meals? No pork chops for Taliban...

  • Seeker
  • Patriot

    Thanks for that Seeker, its very interesting.

  • Seeker


    Just so you know, I'm on a tangent here, and not talking specifically about the prisoners in Cuba. My complaint is against secret trials, though I have no idea if these particular prisoners will be tried in secret or not.

    The objection to secret trials is found in that link -- it leads to tryanny. The first WTC bombing terrorist trials were held in New York City with no problems, no violence, no loss of state secrets. These trials could also be held openly.

    The only historical precedent for secret trials in this country is what Roosevelt did in WWII. But he kept them secret in order to hide something from the public. So what is Bush hiding now? We don't know yet. What I do know is that my rights as a U.S. citizen have been violated by Bush. For those of you who say, 'Who cares?', just be glad that there are some of us left who do care about your rights, even if you no longer do.

  • WindRider

    I agree with Seeker and Abaddon. There are many things I love about my country(U.S.), current administration's handling of the "Prisoners of war" or whatever designation they are being given is not one of them! It saddens me and fills me with both shame and a healthy dose of fear to see Bush just running rough-shod on basic human rights. Anyones! The other thing that strikes me is that who is to say that these people are even guilty....of anything, let alone the Al-Quaida business. And I unfortunately, would not be surprised if they are being treated less than fairly and less than what a normal person would consider humanely.....I hope I am wrong. There was a time when I thought I could be sure this would not happen...then '"resident" Bush took over and things have never been the same.

    He is not only making up the rules as he goes with regards to the prisoners over in Cuba; he is breaking/changing the rules as he goes here and it is really freaky how he is getting away with it. Not all Americans are the closed-minded, self-centered citizens that some on this board seem to feel. There are many, many who are not in agreement with Bush and are doing all they can to let him know about it.....not that it means squat to him. Various civil rights groups and prominent political spokespersons have gone to Washington to air their concerns and grievances at the trampling of human rights, both in and out of our country. Yes, many of our rights we used to take for granted no longer exist as of 2001. He told the press he would "graciously give them an audience but that it would in no way change his mind or his actions"....because "desperate times call for desperate measures"! Somehow, I guess that means it gives him special liscense to do whatever the hell he wants. "We" currently have no right whatsoever to get on China's back with regard to how they treat people.

    I just hope that people around the world realize that Bush does not speak for every American and that like ANY country, (Jan H. please take note :)....there are good and bad people here; informed and caring about people at home and around the world and people who just dont seem to care about any atrocity or disaster as long as it doesnt hit too close to their home. That is one of the things I love about this board: there are so many friends to make and viewpoints to share from all around the world. I find that very exciting, stimulating, and enlightening.

    Sincerely, Windrider

  • Seeker

    Well said, WindRider.

    "desperate times call for desperate measures"
    Whenever I hear people say that, I think to myself that they are selling the Constitution short. Is that document only valid in good times? As soon as things get rough we through it out the window? How short-sided.
  • teejay

    ... I knew there was a reeeeeaal good reason why I didn't come to this thread sooner. Carry on, Seeker. You're doing fine!

  • ThiChi

    Valis, Patriot: Very well said. There is no proof of any mistreatment of these prisoners of war. And I see no “internment camps” for US citizens like Roosevelt provided during WWII.

    "" The only historical precedent for secret trials in this country is what Roosevelt did in WWII. But he kept them secret in order to hide something from the public. So what is Bush hiding now?""

    Seeker: Wrong! George Washington and Lincon held them too!! You need to read, learn and think! I am all for the "Greater Good"

    ""He is not only making up the rules as he goes with regards to the prisoners over in Cuba; he is breaking/changing the rules as he goes here and it is really freaky how he is getting away with it."""

    What rules are you talking about? Please cite the codes he is not in compliance with.......No proof. Not true. More Bull S**t.

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

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