Taliban prisoners in Cuba

by Abaddon 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker
    I wish I could sentence you to five days of helping remove the bodies at ground zero.....

    Huh?? What does that have to do with these prisoners? Guilty or not, they are human, and deserve basic human rights. If it is later proven that these particular prisoners are guilty, they should be punished. Until then, neither you nor I have any idea of their particular guilt or innocence, and if their trials are held in secret, we will never know. We will only have our government's word on the matter, and one thing the founding fathers wanted to make sure never happened was that.

    Americans are losing some very basic rights that helped defined us as a bastion of freedom and openness. There are far too many Americans standing around applauding this process as if it's a good thing.

  • ThiChi

    I don’t believe this! Who says they are being held without due process? The issue was location/Cuba/US Base. Location has no meaning or relation to due process. Who has evidence that this is not the case? My God, it seems that most of your “arm chair” observations are lacking some what. I don’t buy the “news media” cover-up BS. The News media brought down our involvement in Vietnam. And rightly so.

    Seeker: You have no evidence to support any of your claims or fears. Tell me, what rights do non US Citizens have in relation to the act committed on 9-11? Or, in relation to a war? What do you want the US to do?
    I stand by my comments

    No one wants to address this: """Would you like to endanger a US court and staff and everyone else so these poor souls can be tried in the good ‘ol USofA?""" Do you understand why we don't want them on our soil? They like to kill and break things...."""

    Why? Why?

    How can we not applaud how the US has handled this, based on what has happened to her people? They could have done so much more........

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • Seeker

    Of course I have evidence! Secret military trials are evidence of the eroding of rights for Americans that I was talking about. We have a right to view trials, to make sure our government never becomes tyrannical (it's why this country was founded, remember?).

    No one wants to address this: """Would you like to endanger a US court and staff and everyone else so these poor souls can be tried in the good ‘ol USofA?""" Do you understand why we don't want them on our soil? They like to kill and break things...."""
    It's not the either-or thing you seem to think it is. Remember the first time an Islamic terrorist cell attacked the World Trade Center? That trial was held in New York. Nothing bad happened. Your argument is just shown to be not valid.
  • ThiChi

    “Secret military trials” Huh? That statement is your evidence? Do you realize the implications of the assault on the US? Are you aware of the History of how we handle persons who make war on the US?
    Did you know that the Brits demanded that Hitler be killed first before any war trials commence for WWII? Do you know why they wanted him dead first, before he got a chance to prove his case (rights?)? Get a grip on what is going on!

    PLease name one US citizen who has not been granted their rights?

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • ThiChi

    “”It's not the either-or thing you seem to think it is. Remember the first time an Islamic terrorist cell attacked the World Trade Center? That trial was held in New York. Nothing bad happened. Your argument is just shown to be not valid.”“

    Baseless points!! The attack on 9-11 demonstrates their capabilities in the present, in the US. Make that sentence ten days at ground zero...........

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Perhaps I missed something. . . but has the U.S. been accused of mistreating the prisoners being transported to Cuba from Afghanistan?
    I do remember that some of them were so violent they had to be sedated before boarding the plane.

    Granted, if these were U.S. prisoners, they would have to be given three squares a day, a bankie, liberal lawyer, access to the law library at Columbia, etc, etc. But alas, these are prisoners of war and as long as they are not being tortured then that's all they need to expect.

    So, before you continue tearing down the judicial system in the U.S. consider the nature of these prisoners.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • jamaica

    Fu#* them. Hope the Guards make them have visits EVERY day from JW's.

  • Seeker
    PLease name one US citizen who has not been granted their rights?

    You, and you don't even seem to be aware of it.

  • ThiChi

    PLease name one US citizen who has not been granted their rights?

    You, and you don't even seem to be aware of it."""

    Seeker: ha, hahaaaaaaa.......is this the best you can do? I now up your fine to ten days at ground zero and one term learning "Civics 101" & "World History" (you must pass with a D+ or better) Good luck.

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • Valis

    Actually they are being treated like very dangerous criminals. Criminals who obviously have a knack for breaking out, causing prison riots, they are proficient in using all kinds of weapons, and could be under considerable danger from the rest of the public if thier identities are known. The following are some assumptions that I have formed and will probably get flammed for, but so be it.

    They are under strict guard for thier own protecttion. If they were sent to the US they would all be blamed for the 9/11 tragedies, which simply isn't true. Thier presence would probably cause riotous conditions among our own poorly run/guarded detention centers. Most of them couldn't spell World Trade Center, much less have the intelligence to participate in such an evil scheme. They were however willing participants and supporters of the Taliban, which happily gave bin Laden a place to base operations. Simmilar I suppose to aiding and abetting in criminal activity.

    For the protection of fellow prisoners, as many of them will be asked sensitive questions that could get the informant killed. (I.E. We don't want the cronies still afoot to know who they are and what info the will or could release. As well, they will need some anonimity when and if they are released to thier respective home countries. Otherwise if they are found to be of no intelligence use, they will probably be released, for the most part.

    They are not entitled to our set of rights (I.E. Constitutional Freedoms, Liberties), but only basic human rights, like food ,water, and shelter. They never practiced in a democratic society and as a matter of fact mistreated even thier own people. Eventually you stop offering the olive branch and kindness to those who feel it necessary to violate even the most basic human rights. Who among you would like to spend a day in an Afghan women's place? You would be like ignorant chattell...vieled chattell that is.

    They are not entitled to a day in our civil court, except in Johnnie Ialiban Wlaker, only becuase he is a US citizen...for a while anyway. I think he should be released back on US soil and we could see what happens. He would never be able to get a job, would probably get beaten to death, and would certainly get shunned everywhere he went. I think its a rather appropriate punishment. He might remember the Western infidels aren't the great satan that many Islamic fundamentalist org profess.

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