Homosexuality is a Sin. Beleive me, you'll want to see this!

by whereami 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelingeorgia

    its amazing how many men are still burying this in public, but seek out sex with men on Craig's List or other online sources. homosexuality is a primal drive, always has been, always will be. its part of the way life works.

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    To each his own I suppose but it works for those who really want it to.

    No. No it doesn't. It isn't something that can be undone by prayer. Homosexuality is as innate in the gay as Heterosexuality is in the straight. No amount of praying or 'conversion therapy' can take that away. It only causes hurt and confusion, often resulting in self hate and suicide. Anyone who suggests otherwise is simply misinformed.

  • GromitSK

    I agree with Str8

  • garyneal
    No. No it doesn't.

    If someone wants something bad enough, anything works. It all comes down to whether or not someone wants something or not.

    It isn't something that can be undone by prayer.

    I never said that, I just said that if someone no longer wants to live a gay lifestyle they can come out if they really want to.

    Homosexuality is as innate in the gay as Heterosexuality is in the straight.

    I can neither argue whether or not this is true or false because there are supporters and critics on both sides of the coin. Is being gay an innate trait or is it purely a conditioned behavior. There is probably truth in both but to say that people engage in homosexual behavior because they have some innate trait that makes them do this is pure rubbish. Do we also let our innate traits dictate how we live our lives or do we use our minds and make our choices? While there may be some truth in the concept of being born gay, I think to go around saying "I can't help it, I was born that way." sounds a bit like a cop out.

    It only causes hurt and confusion, often resulting in self hate and suicide. Anyone who suggests otherwise is simply misinformed.

    Be true to yourself, if you want to live the gay lifestyle do it. If not, don't. We can't know for certain whether or not this man in the video is truly transformed but time will eventually tell. If he is being true to himself, he'll be happy. If not, then I feel sorry for him and his new family.

  • JWoods

    We also have a program called SALT and Living Waters that helps people who want out of their gay lifestyle.

    I also find that ridiculous, given that I am convinced there is a genetical & physical component to this preference - and that it is not the business of the church.

  • sammielee24

    Religion is one reason why people hide ...homosexuality was and is illegal in some places - people repress their own needs in order to avoid persecution. I don't think you can pray out homosexuality - I have a cousin who was raised Catholic and no amount of praying and confessing worked. sammieswife


    TX GOP platform: Re-criminalize sodomy, make gay marriage a felony

    By Stephen C. Webster
    Monday, June 21st, 2010 -- 10:38 pm

    Nevertheless, the state's Republican party has voted on a platform [PDF link] by which their candidates will stand, and it includes the reinstatement of laws banning sodomy: otherwise known as oral and anal sex.

    The party's platform also seeks to make gay marriage a felony offense, which may be confusing to most given that the state does not sanction or recognize same sex marriages, meaning any such ceremony conducted does not bear the weight of law. Whether this means the GOP wants gay couples married in other states to be pursued through Texas as dangerous criminals, the party did not specify.

    "We oppose the legalization of sodomy," the platform states. "We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy."

    Texas first passed an anti-sodomy law in 1860, setting the penalty at 5-15 years in jail. The ban was finally overturned in 2003 by the landmark Supreme Court decision Lawrence et al. v. Texas. The court found that two men arrested in their own home by Houston police, who charged them with engaging in sodomy, were not committing a crime. Indeed, the court said the men were "free as adults to engage in private conduct in the exercise of their liberty..."

  • garyneal
    I also find that ridiculous, given that I am convinced there is a genetical & physical component to this preference - and that it is not the business of the church.

    That depends on the individual. If that individual wants out and wishes to seek help from the church then I see no reason why the church cannot help.

  • JWoods
    That depends on the individual. If that individual wants out and wishes to seek help from the church then I see no reason why the church cannot help.

    That can only be true if it is totally a matter of choice. I personally do not think this is an optional matter of choice for the vast majority of homosexuals - no more than what your gender is for heterosexuals.

    I also am skeptical that churches should be actively trying to run peoples lives, after having experienced the witnesses myself.

  • saywhat29

    Gary, i think you have to understand soeething about sexuality- homo or hetero. Its like language; a person can learn a different language, emerse themselves into a different culture and be able to blend in with most not knowing that he/she was even a foreigner; however that person will hardly ever forget their mother tongue. The thoughts in their head will be in their native language too. Sexuality is kind of (and I repeat, kind of... and actually I want to say male sexuality is because women are like...whatever works right now, lol) like language.

    But then it seems weird then when it comes to ex-gays or those with an 'afflicted with Same-Sex attraction' to be rediculed and harased in one light and then in 'liberal circles and academia' for folks to sprout that sexuality if fluid and can change at times... so I don't totally' knock those who want to live that 'lifestyle', if that is what they want.

    I just hate the fact that they lie. They lie so much and they support people who hurt those just like them. But like steve2's story, it is important to realize and respect the science that has been conducted in this area: people do not change 'orientation', they change behavior, maybe. Those who persue a ex-gay life will more than likely return to 'acting out homosexually' and can be even more in danger of depression and suicide. Our biggest gripes about this kinda stuff is that when people go into this stuff, it messes them up and these people lie about changes and trout out 'wives and kids' to prove that "It works!" when it really doesn't whatsoever.

    is it possible for a gay person to not at on his feelings and be with a women? Sure is. Is he then a heterosexual? Not really, no.

    If you want to believe it does, then hey you're entitled to it, but believing a homo changes orientation cause he prays is akin to watching some preacher hit some wheelchair-bound guy in the forehead and believe when he tands up, his legs are healed by the holy spirit... this is a money scam fueled by homo self-hatred, depression,and shame. And to let you know so, hardly ever are there stories of ex-gay conversions where the homosexual was happy before 'conversion' or wasn't addicted, or wasn't on the brink of suicide. These people are never well-adjusted homosexuals who make a conscientious decision to change.

    These people are usually on drugs, have self esteem issues, abuse issues, and when they 'change' they turn around and blame all of their problems on being homosexuals when thats not the whole story.

  • steve2

    Gary, you have a lot of good things to say - you seem more reasonable and compassionate than many Christians when this topic comes up. One variable not often considered when discussing these seeming conversions to heterosexuality is bisexuality. If a man - or woman for that matter - is bisexual, then "closing down" one part of their sexuality is relatively less difficult to accomplish. "Look, ma, I've done it. I'm now living with a woman! praise the Lord!" Not such a big deal with a man who goes both ways. However, for anyone who is predominantly heterosexual or homosexual conversion of orientation is a vexed matter. Saying homosexuality is a choice is as superficial as saying heterosexuality is a choice.

    My immediate family accept that I'm gay and we're a pretty supportive lot. My younger brother - also raised a JW but no longer active - once asserted that I had chosen to be gay. I didn't argue with him but said, "Fair enough. have you also chosen to be straight? If so, can you remember when you chose that orientation?" His answer? "That's not a fair comparison." My response: "If you agree to choose to change your orientation to homsexuality, I'll agree to change my orientation to heterosexuality". Our conversation ended. Years later my brother wrote to me one of the most validating letters I have ever received. he said in part, "I had no right to simplify how you "became" gay. You are who you are and now I realize it is more than a choice. You are my brother and I'll always love and respect you..." What an amzing shift in thinking for my sibling also raised in the religion. BTW, we both agreed that choosing to act on a urge or desire does not mean you have chosen to have the urge or desire in the first place...

    Look, the sexual drive is located within the limbic system within the primal brain (the so-called deepest part of the brain). it is the site of basic survival type behaviour - urges, needs, desires. It is the so-called "upper" part of the brain - especially the prefrontal cortex - that governs thinking and reasoning processes. based on neurological studies and research on human development, most behavioural psychologists have undergone a significant shift in their approach to human sexuality. The last bastion of "support" for ruling homosexuality as a sin is ancient writings (e.g., the Holy Bible). it si no surprise that the same book that supposedly condemns homosexuality also champions genocide and the keeping of slaves. Most believers, however, skirt the more primitive-minded stories in the Old testament, emphasizing only the ones that support the remnants of current prejudiced views.

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