The last few years that I attended assemblies/conventions I purposely did not wear the badge. I didn't even bother to pick them up at the counter at the hall. But I have to say no one ever questioned why I didn't have one.
I take it most of you don't go to other conventions? I'm going to a non-jw convention in July and we'll have badges. Helps identify who we are and where we come from, encourages conversation.
I do...mostly for work but occasionally some social events. Conventions, trade shows and the like. For the conventions/trade shows we have to have a "badge" to get in and out. In that situation, I wear it on a lanyard, not pinned on me. For other functions within the convention or show, we'll have to attend "meet and greets" where they hand you a "Hello, my name is...." sticker badge and they expect you to stick it on so others can identify you. I promptly fold it up and throw it away first chance I get. Unless it's a requirement for entry I refuse to wear name badges...just a carry over of resentment of years of being told we had to wear a badge at conventions, I guess.