All I can say about thr finale of "Lost" is...

by changeling 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Damn! Lost is harder to understand than the Bible!!

  • JustWantTruth

    Right I think I got that. Sideways was this season. But what about the three years they were away when Kate supposedly was raising Aaron? When Locke was trying to get everyone to come back and got killed in the process. That was last season I think.

  • JustWantTruth

    Dinah: Fully Agreed.

  • JustWantTruth

    Be back to try to figure this thing out, going to get me some dinner now.

  • changeling

    Dinah: Too funny!

    JWT: That season was "real". The "Oceanic 6" really did go back and then return to the island.

  • daniel-p

    So for those of you who spent 6 years watching this show, was it worth it? I've only seen the first quarter of the first episode and it just didn't grab me.

  • poopsiecakes

    Well Daniel, all I can say is that if the first 15 minutes didn't grab you then don't bother....for me I was riveted and have been ever since.

  • Terry

    The acting, the characters, the story, the mythos grabbed me from episode one.

    The only time it wasn't top notch is when the network wanted more and more episodes instead of allowing the natural story arc to play out.

    Episodes became padded with fluff here and there.

    Once the definite End of the series was announced it was back to magnificent storytelling.

    If you viewed what happened on this series in terms of "mysteries to be solved" you won't like where it ends up.

    If you accept the process of LOST souls finding their way to grace through discovering the best of themselves under will not be disappointed.

    Here is something I've discovered about "fans" in general. Many of them feel entitled. They demand, like Roman Emperors, to be entertained to surfeit and are ever ready with their magnificently deadly thumb to pronounce death summarily if disappointed.

    I think the duty of the fan is to jump on and ride it out whichever way it turns, bucks, kicks and plays out. In for a penny; in for a pound.

    You get what you get out of life and seldom what you want.

    I'm thoroughly satisfied and elated with the ending. It was a total emotional catharsis for me.

    Thanks, I needed that!

  • poopsiecakes

    Terry, I couldn't agree more - I kept telling people who were whining about this that or the other that you're being told a story so let them tell it. The creators of the show said after the 1st season that the show is not really about the Island, it's about the people and their journey. I'm not sure I understand why the fans couldn't appreciate that and let the story unfold accordingly.

    There's a message board I used to lurk at when the show was in its infancy I liked it because the actors would post and answer questions - it was really cool. Then, the speculations and over analyzing of details took over and it just wasn't fun anymore so I stopped going there and just enjoyed each episode for what it was. Much more satisfying.

  • leavingwt

    The first ten episodes of the series (Season 1) remain some of the best television ever filmed.

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