Tuesday, May 11th Daily Text - The nerve!!!

by Girlie 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mostlydead

    A friend who's been tippytoe-ing around the fact that I'm "inactive" happened to bring up the fact last night that I've left Jehovah. I guess he was reading ahead in his daily text...

  • Heaven

    When one examines such 'spiritual food' dispensed by the faithful and discreet slave, one thinks of dog's vomit.

  • yourmomma

    i love how they compare themselves to jesus

  • mindmelda

    The fallacy here is comparing people who leave Jehovah's Witnesses, specifically, those who reject the hogwash masquerading as spiritual food dispensed by the GB and the WTS with those who left Christ.

    GB=/=Jesus Christ...but that is what they're inferring with that whole paragraph, of course.

    I'm so much less depressed and unhappy since I quit trying to do the Witness dance. I'd rather stick my fingers in a door and slam it over and over again, thanks...or rip out my intestines with a fork...or jump naked into a swimming pool full of used needles, thanks anyway.

  • Leprechaun

    Oh boo who. One has to first know for sure that it is the truth, and if you are banned or sanctioned from reading opposing material that may or may not say something derogatory about the WTBTS, then it’s time to wake up you duffus and admit that maybe you are in a cult their Virginia. My god some people have their heads so far up the hind den or a religion or grooup of men they just can’t see the light of day or smell the cat food. Get a Life fools.

  • chickpea

    they confuse spirituality with religiosity...

    since cutting loose from the m0ther ship
    my sense of spirituality has increased
    beyond measure... although not without
    effort, i have never been happier

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I feel like I just sipped on soda and it came out of my nose! This is complete nonsense!! No wonder I don't read the daily text anymore!

    How arrogant!

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    The arrogance is amazing. Who do they think they are? Bunch of pompous....you know what's...

    (1) Abandoned Jesus? No

    (2) Rejecting his teachings? No

    (3) Lost my spirituality? No

    (4) Lost my joy? No

    (5) They cut off association with me? Yes...bunch of turds.

    Tuesday, May 11


    they forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel.—Ps.106:13.

    Some may have left God’s flock because they did not agree with some Scriptural teaching. It may be helpful to remind an inactive one that “the faithful and discreet slave” is dispensing excellent spiritual food. (Matt. 24:45) That is how the person originally learned the truth. So why should he not be determined to walk in the truth again? (2 John 4) When endeavoring to help those who have strayed from God’s flock, the elder might refer to the disciples who abandoned Jesus because of rejecting one of his teachings. (John 6:53, 66) By cutting off association with Christ and his faithful followers, they lost their spirituality and their joy. Have those who stopped associating with the Christian congregation found another place where there is rich spiritual food? No, for there is none! w08 11/15 2:10, 11

  • Sapphy

    "Some may have left God’s flock because they did not agree with some Scriptural teaching..."

    Actually the rest left because they did not agree with some unscriptural teaching

  • agonus

    "Have those who stopped associating with the Christian congregation found another place where there is rich spiritual food?" Um, yeahhh... it's called THE BIBLE? And then, of course, there's that Jesus fella...

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