, Jehovah's Witnesses" jewelry/keychains

by brizzzy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • brizzzy

    Hi Jeff,

    That's very kind of you, thanks! I'm quite sure the anger is a stage - and of course, I'm not always angry, it comes and goes. I do my best not to let it consume me or anything. I figure that's natural.

    I was approached and asked to write a memoir (which freaked me out, since I don't consider myself a good writer at all, and was trying to remain anonymous at the time). I turned down the first several requests but finally signed with a publisher a few months ago, once my name became public knowledge and my family found out. Guess you could say they made me an offer I couldn't refuse The first third of my book covers childhood/JW stuff, so I'm hoping that it'll open at least some people's eyes to what goes on inside the religion/cult. It's not being marketed as an ex-JW book per se, so maybe people that are reading it to learn about homelessness will get a sneak attack education on JWs too!

    I wouldn't have expected you to have read my story, haha, I haven't posted about it here before. There are bits of it on my blog, though (http://girlsguidetohomelessness.com)

    Lastly, your avatar rocks. Love me some Colbert (and Jon Stewart).

  • klydia

    Thanks for discussing the jewelry. It's a joke. It's a keychain, not a manifesto. There's no need to take this so seriously. You'll give yourself an ulcer.

    Hate the message if you want, but please know that everything on my Etsy site is handmade and a lot of work has gone into this project. The lockets aren't even ready for sale yet because I spent the last two weeks experimenting with different types of epoxies and resins alone, not to mention the money I spent on a dremel and a soldering iron.

    I do realize that everyone has a different sense of humor. I don't care if you don't get the joke, but for the love of god, just know how much work I'm putting into these. My kitchen looks like Armageddon and my fingernails look like I work in a coal mine.

    This is a labor of love. That's all. Thanks for discussing it. I'm flattered, even if you think I need to grow up.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Brizzy - I am humbled by your story...what a terrible thing for your parents to do. You have strength beyond measure, there will be nothing you cannot do/achieve/accomplish.

    Klydia - You keep on rocking with your products. You will do well. If I could tell you who I really am and that I have invented and mass produced products (by the millions) you would get comfort in knowing that you're on the right track.

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