, Jehovah's Witnesses" jewelry/keychains

by brizzzy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • sooner7nc

    It's good that we've got all these super experienced "100 posters" to show us the error of our ways. How dare we disagree with them.

    Honestly I probably would have agreed if you actually had a good idea, but FUJW? For f***** sake can't you think of anything more original?

  • brizzzy

    LOL who said I was showing anybody the error of their ways? Or that I'm super-experienced? Not me I have fun where I can and don't particularly mind anybody disagreeing with me.

  • brizzzy

    (Btw, the pendants aren't mine or my idea. They're a friend's and I like them and I posted them here because they're JW-related. If you don't like them, you should take it up with her.)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It appeals to some people. If you don't like it, then don't buy it.

  • brizzzy

    Right, here's the thing. These are the people that:

    1) Turned a blind eye to my father's incestuous sexual molestation of me. 2) Told my bipolar mother that instead of listening to doctor's and getting help/medication, that all her problems would be solved if she was just a better Jehovah's Witness and a better wife. 3) Turned a blind eye every time my mother beat me to a pulp. 4) Vouched for my parents' character when my school sent a social worker to my house, after I showed up to class one day bleeding uncontrollably through my pants from the previous night's beating, leaving a pool of blood on the chair. 5) Never once showed an interest in me whatsoever, except perhaps on the day of my baptism. 6) Pretended nothing happened when I tried to commit suicide barely into my teens, never mentioning it once. 7) Turned a blind eye when my mother physically threw me into the street to be homeless and live in a parking lot for a year. 8) Derided me for seeing a therapist to try to straighten myself out, because I was afraid that perhaps I was the insane one (because I couldn't love the nonexistent Jehovah no matter how hard I tried) and was absolutely unprepared to deal with...well, anything in the world, really. 9) Made up gossipy, completely off-the-wall stories about me and why I stopped going to meetings - including that I was into drugs and/or a prostitute (none of which ever happened). 10) Denied me the option of higher education, leading me to turn down several scholarships to any university of my choice - now if I want a degree, I'm gonna be paying through the nose for it. Yay. Sooooo...yeah, I've gotta say, "FUJW's" sums it up pretty well for me. I'm well aware that I by no means have the worst backstory among the posters here, and I do my best to be a positive person, but am I still a little bitter? Yup. I've noticed that the bitterness lessens with time, and I hope one day it'll be gone completely, but in the meantime, I simply am. Oh, well. I did my best to get through to and save my family, but I've come to terms with the fact that it's not going to happen. In the meantime, I enjoy making friends with other ex-JWs, and those on their way out, absolutely. I do what I can in other ways to help them, if possible. I'm not wearing an "FU" charm for them. I'm wearing it for me, because I'm OK with indulging that little bit of bitterness until it's gone, if it ever is. And, because I find it funny. Dark/gallows humor is kind of my thing. Juvenile/classless or not, it makes me laugh. Sorry, but I don't see where the harm is in that. Like White Dove said, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I fail to see where insulting other ex-JWs who get a laugh out of it (and who are likely processing their own painful/traumatic exits from the Society) does anybody any good. (On the upside, I agree with your assessment of VW Bugs on another thread - I own a '68 named Kermit, and love it!)
  • brizzzy

    (also, I'm not sure why that all came through as one large block of text without paragraph spacing, because I definitely put the spaces in there...sorry)

  • ShirleyW

    I hear you my sister, I hear you, although all you have listed above has never happened to me, I totally feel that if there is a heaven, I do not want to see my mother again, unless the Lord clears out all the baggage from our brains and we're not able to bring up what they've done to us during our earthly life...

  • HappyDad

    What can I say? I'm young and classless, too :)

    You said it! Your quote applies to the person making these things also.

    This will never help convince anyone of the falseness of this cult.

    Remember one thing........someday you and this manufacturer will have to grow up and actually have responsibility in your life.


  • brizzzy

    Hi HappyDad,

    Like I said, I'm buying one of these for me. I don't expect it to convince anybody of the falseness of the cult - indeed, such a pendant is pretty much preaching to the choir, right? But it doesn't mean I can't get a laugh out of it. We all preach to the choir sometimes - isn't that one of the things we all kind of get out of this board? I know I've only been here for 6 months, and I don't post much as I'm a shyer person, but before joining, I was a lurker for nearly two years, and I got a lot of personal empowerment from other people's posts, even though I'd already stopped believing in the JW doctrine. As for convincing others of the falseness of the cult, I do (and will continue to do) that in other ways, offered the opportunity.

    As for your second statement - I believe that I'm already an adult taking responsibility for her life. If "growing up" means taking myself too seriously though, not being able to laugh at myself, then I'm not sure I want to grow up, with all due respect. I spent too long in a bad place. Now, I laugh as much as I can, and to me this is funny.

  • dissed

    I just bought a key chain for my nephew. I thought it was funny, but its for personal reasons, not to share with the mass public.

    I asked him at Christmas what he would say if the JW's came to his door and he joked and said "You can go and F*** yourself" He lamented how the JW's have F***** up his family and ruined them. After 12 years, it still hurts him to see his mother and father refusing to associate with him just because he doesn't believe there stuff anymore. Its a joke between us to lighten up the moment.

    Now for those who still want to judge, well, you got some growing up to do. The WT may still have a stronger hold on you than you realize.

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