LOVE your ENEMIES: where Jesus goes wrong

by Terry 127 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    I still have not heard from anybody who can give a reasonable explanation for actually loving your enemy.

    Let's just take the example of a child molester. Somebody give me a scenario for "loving" this person.

    Jesus surely was aware that little children are sexually violated.

    The parents of such innocent children would be expected to "love" such a molester by Jesus?

    I don't get it.

  • PSacramento


    How would you feel towards that molester if he ( the molster) was your son?

    The little boy that called you "daddy", that you dried his tears, held him close and put him to bed every night with a kiss on his forehead.

    I know that he were mine I would do what I could to get him help and if needed, put him behind bars for the rest of his life, but I don't think I could ever stop loving him.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    If the molester were your child, he wouldn't be your enemy. The question about the practicality of loving your enemies.

  • Terry
    How would you feel towards that molester if he ( the molster) was your son?

    For me, child molesting is the UNforgiveable sin. Love isn't a vague feeling with me. LOVE proceeds from my values.

    My son would be greatly devalued in my eyes were he to be revealed as a molester. My love for him would suffer a terrible blow.

    I don't think any rational person loves unconditionally.

    If the molester were your child, he wouldn't be your enemy. The question about the practicality of loving your enemies.

    This is THE POINT, of course. How and Why would you love your ENEMY?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Let's just take the example of a child molester. Somebody give me a scenario for "loving" this person.

    Let's just take the example of... Terry. Somebody give me a scenario for "loving" this person.

    If we're only going to look at the child molesters evil deads, why not only look at Terry's. So Terry, don't tell us anything about yourself except your evil deeds. We don't want to hear about anyone else that loves you or cares about you. What would be the basis for that love?


    How would you feel towards that molester if he ( the molster) was your son?

    I think you get it.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    I don't think any rational person loves unconditionally.

    I don't think any human naturally loves unconditionally, only Christ can do that.

  • PSacramento

    Absolute ideals, like this one that Christ gave us, are ideals to strive for.

    That kind of love, compassion and forgiveness is almost impossible for a human, yet is given freely by God and Christ.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Absolute ideals, like this one that Christ gave us, are ideals to strive for.

    I don't know about that. We as humans can't change people, including ourselves. Just ask Terry about his example of the child molester.

    However, God can and does. He has promised to conform me to the image of His Son, if not in this life, the next.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    cult classic

    If the molester were your child, he wouldn't be your enemy. The question about the practicality of loving your enemies.

    OK, lets be practical. Learning about loving your enemies will give you insite into how God can love you. Something Terry seems to have a difficult time with.

    Edited to add: Something I'm still trying to learn myself.

  • Terry
    Let's just take the example of a child molester. Somebody give me a scenario for "loving" this person.

    Let's just take the example of... Terry. Somebody give me a scenario for "loving" this person.

    If we're only going to look at the child molesters evil deads, why not only look at Terry's. So Terry, don't tell us anything about yourself except your evil deeds. We don't want to hear about anyone else that loves you or cares about you. What would be the basis for that love?

    You are making a moral equivalency argument. No sin (or sinner) is any better or worse than another.

    Jesus commanded we LOVE our neighbor and our ENEMY.

    In your view this is pretty much the same thing.

    LOVE YOUR ENEMY/NEIGHBOR/CHILD MOLESTER because we all have flaws.......seems to be your "reasoning".

    Shall I point out the flaw in your argument?

    God destroyed everybody at the flood EXCEPT Noah and his family. Why is that? Was Noah sinless?

    Where was the moral equivalency there?

    God LOVES and God HATES. Does he love and hate the same person at the same time.....just for different reasons?

    David stole another man's wife and had her husband killed. It wasn't David who died for was their baby!

    Moral equivalency?

    Jesus was completely without sin and God let him suffer wrongful death while simultaneously embracing mankind (who were without merit).

    This is called GRACE. In effect: you don't deserve to be loved or I LOVE YOU and I save you!

    What VALUES are these? What JUSTICE is this?

    You don't get it---do you?

    I'm pointing out the lunacy of this and you are missing it.

    If everything and everybody is MORALLY EQUIVALENT whether good or evil, kind or cruel then we live under a Deity who plays deuces wild because this Deity has no VALUE SYSTEM other than pure whim!

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