Have They Found Noah's Ark ? - Again.....

by BluesBrother 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    perry i allready answered the totally off-topic question.

  • Perry
    perry: a person combine observations with prior knowledge on the domain and assign a degree of trust to each outcome (true, false).

    Thank You Bohn.

    And does your prior knowledge lead you to believe that A and B are the same shade of Grey?


  • bohm

    perry my prior knowledge is that they may or may not be the same, lets say 50% to each.

    The observation i do with my eyes indicate that they are not. but a-priori i know that that may be an optical phenomena.

    the observation i do by a scientific measurement in paint is that they are the same color. a-priori i trust that more and thus when i combine these things (there are rules for doing so) is that i assign very high probability to A and B being the same color.

    and you are totally off-topic because you darn well know the ark has not been found and you wont admit it, so instead you change topic tos omething completely and utterly irrelevant.

  • Perry

    Key to deception is the installation of a prior "known". I've been an amatuer magician since I was a kid. Some of my childhood friends have performed large stage illusions in front of thousands. I have personally performed in front of untold numbers myself. Give me a deck of cards and a few coins and I'll entertain you for quite a while .... challenging your "prior knowledge"

    I'm afraid that prior knowledge isn't always reliable.

    Anyone else care to answer my "trick" question?

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is all very amusing. It is quite clear that the ark was full of millions of insect species along with the bunnies and chickens and the food and whatnot. Room was running out and the animals that would later be the Australian animals (and the unicorns) were left on the main deck in the rain while dinosaurs were supposed to be in the water hanging on to the side. The Bible doesn't detail everything, but that must be the way it was.

    Anyway, the dinosaurs couldn't hold on and drowned- those tiny little forearms were their downfall. The unicorns sacrificed themselves to keep the kangaroos and dingos from washing overboard. As the earth was starting to dry a bit, food was running out and the main deck animals were set out in a flat barge (built from the roof material of the ark) that wound up in Australia as the ark drifted to Ararat.

    The reason for all this may have been that Noah was already getting drunk and revealing himself to the wives of his sons and God was pissed at him so the ride got bumpy.

    As already covered by Mary, the wood of the ark was needed for fires, not just for warmth but also to cook the sacrifices to Jehovah to try to calm Him down.

  • OnTheWayOut

    ....or they ate the dinosaurs and unicorns.

  • Perry
    the observation i do by a scientific measurement in paint is that they are the same color

    YES! Now you got it. It's the measurments that YOU do. Unfortunately, as soon as someone elses knowledge enters the picture, the scenario changes. There is also always the problem that your own test might be flawed as well, giving a false result.

  • bohm

    perry: ... and i think you dont know what prior knowledge mean. i use the word in the statistical sence, ie. as my uncertainty that a particular conclusion is true or false.


    you ran out of random shit to copy-paste, so you are aiming at pseudo-philosophy. you are offtopic and i am tired.

  • Perry

    How about you OTWO,

    How do you know if something is true or not? And remember, the answer isn't what some people think.

  • bohm

    perry: you are so wrong. read a basic book on inference. you dont know the topic you discuss, yet you treat trivial invalid objections as insight. i dont comment on the meaning of 'grace' in the bible because i dont really know a thing about it, i would recommend you to take the same care before you make yourself look even sillier.

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