How do you FOR SURE jw's Do not have the truth?

by whatistruth 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • aquagirl

    It might be easier to ask what real,tangible evidence there is that they DO have it?

  • thetrueone

    What Is Truth?

    How to Recognize the Difference Between Fact and Opinion

    Identifying what is true is often difficult, but it's possible if people learn the difference between fact and opinion.

    According to Webster’s (2005), an opinion is “a belief not based on absolute certainty or positive knowledge but on what seems true, valid, or probable in one’s own mind.” On the other hand, according to Webster’s, a fact is “the state of things that are; reality; actuality; truth.”

    So how can someone differentiate between opinion and fact? Although it seems this would be simple, it isn’t, mainly because politicians, church leaders, writers, newscasters, talk-radio personalities, and even parents and friends often appear to be stating a fact when they are instead stating an opinion, which is a personal belief that is emotional, biased, and often totally unfounded. (Chaffee, 2000)

    To complicate matters, when people express their opinions, they rarely, if ever, identify these as personal beliefs because they want other people to accept these personal beliefs as facts, not opinions.

    Each Truth Is Relevant in Its Time

    Some people argue that one can know something is true and, therefore, not an opinion, if it is supported by credible reasons and evidence. The problem with this argument, according to Joseph Campbell, noted philosopher and author of such esteemed works as The Power of Myth, is that each truth is relevant in its own time. (Guerin, 1992)

    What Campbell means is that what is accepted as fact and, therefore, truth can change because the reasons and evidence offered in support of that fact have changed, and when reasons and evidence cease to be valid, they lose their credibility. As a result, what was once true becomes untrue.

    How and Why Truth Changes

    Before the fifteen century, people believed the earth was flat, and they believe this based upon the accepted “credible” reasons and evidence of the times, for example:

    • Religious leaders said the earth was flat;
    • Educational leaders said the earth was flat;
    • The majority of scientific experts said the earth was flat;
    • Stories had been passed down from generation to generation, supporting the idea that the earth was flat, and;
    • If a person looked toward the horizon, he or she could clearly see that the earth was flat. (Chaffee, 2000)

    Today, however, people believe the earth is round based upon other accepted “credible” reasons and evidence, for example:

    • Great thinkers and scientists like Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo demonstrated the earth is round by studying the heavens;
    • Adventurers, for example Columbus and Magellan, proved the earth is round by navigating its oceans;
    • When flying in an airplane, people can observe the horizon and how it changes, and;
    • Actual photographs taken from space clearly show the spherical shape of Earth. (Chaffee, 2000)
    Why People Accept Opinion as Fact

    People often accept opinion as fact because they do not make the effort to examine either their own thinking or that of other people, especially those individuals seen as “authority figures,” for example, parents, teachers, church leaders, government officials, talk-radio personalities, newscasters, etc.

    As a result, people blindly accept what they have always been told or what they are now being told as being fact or “the truth.”

    Recognizing the Difference Between Opinion and Fact

    One way for people to recognize opinion, as opposed to fact, is for them to ask themselves why they believe something is true? Is it because someone whom they respect told them it was true? Is it because they have always believed it to be true? Is it because a radio or TV personality said it was true? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, people need to examine what they have been accepting as fact by doing the following:

    • Consider the evidence provided in support of that “fact;”
    • Ask if the evidence is credible or if it is perhaps biased;
    • Ask if the evidence is distorted by prejudice and/or personal perception, and;
    • Ask if this “fact” was once considered true but has now been proven false.

    In summary, people can learn to identify fact (truth) as opposed to opinion if they are willing to take the time to examine what they believe. Of course, they must be prepared to face the possibility that what they have always believed to be true is instead a lie and always has been.

  • ziddina

    Because they LIE about their origins, and forbid active members from reading older literature...

    Can you imagine where bible scholars from other Christian religions would be today, if THEY applied that same behavior??? All those books from the 2nd century, 3rd century, 4th century early Christians - all the way up to today - would have NEVER been referred to!!!

    What an astounding loss that would be, for humankind... And, as the saying goes, those who do not know the past, are doomed to repeat it.

    Research into one's origins gives one a sense of continuity - unless there are some very, VERY dark secrets in that past...

    And Hey! If the Catholic Church, with its past of heretic burnings, witch burnings, holy wars, massacres of Muslims - women and children included - and while we're at it, the massacre of fellow CHRISTIANS living within the walls of the holy city, Jerusalem, when the Crusaders first breached the walls and overran the city, the persecution of the Protestants, and so on - ...

    If the Catholics can be honest about THAT sh*t, why the He11 is it so difficult for the WTBTS to be open and honest about its past???

    Why?? Because, if people knew the REAL TRUTH about its origins, they'd leave in droves... The WTBTS would lose its absolute control over its members...


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    The GB claiming to be God's sole channel on earth, then voting on serious matters & doctinal flip-flops and the result proving that imperfect men are guiding this organization.

    Think About It

  • whatistruth

    This is all great stuff!!!!...Thanks fellow thinkers

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    whatistruth said:

    " I can try to convince others?"

    As long as those "others" are clinging to a belief, there is no amount of proof that will be convincing.

    When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.


  • dgp


  • bennyk
  • Gregor

    If they did I would either have been bird food for the last 35 years or I would be have been at a perpetual picnic playing with lions and putting my hand on asps dens while porking 72 former virgins.

  • hybridous

    "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another"

    - John 13:35

    These are the plain words of Jesus Christ himself. Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be the only TRUE followers of Jesus on this earth.

    I've spent time with Jehovah's Witnesses. So have most of you. What does your experience tell you? Mine tells me that Jehovah's Witnesses do not have love for EACH OTHER, much less the world at large, that His Father loved so much...

    Therefore, the logic flows easily from here...

    Either, Jesus Christ himself told a lie, or was wrong, OR...Jehovah's Witnesses are liars regarding being followers of Jesus Christ. These are the only 2 possibilities. Only one can be correct. In my experience, most Jehovah's Witnesses are content to essentially call Jesus Christ a liar, so long as their 'religion' appears correct.

    So which is it, Witnesses? Is Jesus lying to me, or are you?!

    And these people anxiously await a Judgement Day?!

    That's how I KNOW they do not have the Truth. It's either THEM or Jesus Christ himself. Pick one...

    That is all.

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