The Born Again Experience

by leavingwt 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    "Having done MA for over 30 years, including Chen Taiji and many sub-sytems that really heavily on Qigong I can honestly tell you, from my experience, it is not even CLOSE to being the samething."

    Then you haven't been studying under a master.


  • Gregor

    Hey, it could happen!

  • PSacramento
    Then you haven't been studying under a master.

    LMAO !

    If you say so.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    How did I miss this thread when it started?

    Anyway, I had what the authors Jeff writes about in the OP would call a "snapping" event while praying a little over a year ago. I have only shared the details with a couple people because I honestly am not sure how to describe it and I'm far from certain whence it came.

    The fact that it came while learning my way OUT of a cult, instead of while getting sucked IN to one makes it that much more difficult to label and describe. But whatever psychological phenomenon caused it, internal, external, or whether there is no such distinction, it is real. I think it is important for researchers to keep persuing these topics and publishing about them to help prevent individuals from merely accepting the first explanation that is offered to them by religious scammers.

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