New Here....and a Brief Intro

by Yan Bibiyan 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    Another welcome, and another one interested in your comparison of Communisim with the Watchtower cult.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Welcome, Yan.

    Looks like you have it figured out and have a plan. Good to have you onboard here.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    The thought you had about it being like the Communist regime. When I was at Brooklyn Bethel I used to tell my husband that this feels like a Communist regime. I do not know where I came up with that, I was only in my late 20's but I clearly remember telling my husband that.

    We actually got into fights over it. My husband would tell me do not call Jehovah's org Communist. I was like I am not calling it Communist but that it is like Communist. I never lived under a Communist regime so I do not have a clue where I got that from but the more my husband would get mad at me the more I felt it was Communist.

    I think that is very strange now.

    Welcome to the board.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi Yan, welcome to the forum.

    It was nice to hear the WT failed to impress you.

    I got it completely wrong. Born in, I introduced my wife to the religion, she took to it like a duck to water, but I never got baptised. There were things about the religion that I didn't like and knew that if I ever got baptised I ran the risk of being disfellowshipped for my disagreements. I was still influenced by them though. I let my wife bring up our kids in the cult.

    Just because a 'born in' isn't an active member doesn't mean that they are free of the mind control.

    For JWs the hook is the teaching that Jesus selected the watchtower in 1919 to be God's sole channel of communication. That is their primary doctrine. If they believe that, that will play all manner of mind games to keep their cognitive dissonance in the dark recesses of their minds. They will forgive the WT for anything.

    As long as they think that there might possibly be some truth in that, they are a time bomb waiting for a trigger. You saw that already with your wife. If there is any subject that you should scrutinise thoroughly with your wife, it is that one. She is not out of the woods until she tells you that doctrine is BS. It won't work if it comes from you. Let her come to that conclusion with as little help from you as possible. Give her lots of encouragement to look into it.



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