Overlapping generations once more - some tie-in I'm not aware of?

by teel 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • teel

    The other day I casually mentioned to my wife how weird the new generation teaching sounds. She at first had no idea what I'm talking about. She read the article, yet she noticed no doctrine change (sidenote: way to go GB! that was one doctrine change that almost noone will notice - perfect way to introduce a laughable teaching). I took out the WT and read her the relevant passage. She took and and examined it. After a few hours she comes back saying it's perfectly fine, there's nothing weird with it.

    But: I don't understand it because I'm not keeping up with the new teachings. This generation change is perfectly in line with the current prophecies that were discussed in length at the last assembly (I think the 2 day one), and I can't understand it because I was not there.

    I say wha? She won't discuss such "spiritual things" with me, so I turn to you. Was there anything resembling a prophecy explaining the overlapping generations?

  • blondie

    There are jws walking around that still don't realize the 1914 generation doctrine was laid to rest in 1995 despite all the information and possible feedback from fellow jws. I had a jw family member say that just 2 years ago, 13 years later.

  • wobble

    I agree, Dubs do not know what the WT teaches now, let alone what it taught in the past, unless they are stuck like Blondie says, on the way a doctrine was taught years ago.

    We have been making a big fuss on here about the new elastic generation doctrine, but it will slide over the average Dub, making no impression whatsoever.

    Just remember,they are not allowed to question or think,and what is the point of learning something when it could change in a few months, so they sit in the WT study with their brain in neutral, while some six year old kid parrots what is in the paragraph.

    What a sick joke of a religion.


  • alanv

    Yes my JW son has often said to me that I seem to know more what goes on in the org. than he does. It's true some have no idea about many things that go on.

  • wannabefree

    I brought up the new generation explanation to the CotBoE (The Elder Formerly Known as PO) a few weeks ago, his words ... it makes more sense now.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm petty sure that both of my parents missed the 1995 change at the time.

    It wasn't long after my last religious conversation with my mother that the April issue was released. I had just been enlightening her as to what they actually taught, and where to find it. She admitted that they had gone back to 'old light' from Rutherford. She didn't have much choice. She is a gramaphone toting Rutherfordite from wayback.

    They haven't had the balls to say anything about the latest change. I saw the April mag on their coffee table last week.

    My wife has been very quiet about it. She knows that it was my father bringing up the 1914 Generation doctrine years after it had been trashed that started my journey out of the remaining mind control the WT still had over me.



  • OnTheWayOut

    The 2010 change is the first in my JW experience that doesn't totally blow away the last change.

    1995's generation of "contemporary people seeing the same signs over an extended period of time" (or something like that) totally dismissed the 1914 generation. 2007's (?) anointed generation was not a refinement but a flip in a different direction. But 2010's overlapping anointed generation(s) is goofy, yet it just adds to the last change. It attempts to limit the time period.

    So cognitive dissonance can set in for a JW. Rather than look like a deer in the headlights when reading this and snapping out of it and laughing at it, JW's try to reduce the pain in the brain caused by this and one and say "It fits right in with points they have been teaching the last year or two." Regardless of their not really doing that, the conventions last year stressed the urgency of the times we live in- THEY ALL DO THAT. So a JW that doesn't want to come out of denial will say that the spirit was leading toward this refinement.

  • dgp


  • SouthCentral

    I think most J-Dubs do not know most of the actual teaching until someone tells them in FS. As a pioneer, I found out the "Bad Stuff" about CT Russel from a householder. I eventually verified it soon after. The women are thinking, I am so spiritual (and single) I comment and go in FS all the time. Elders and men think, "RATS, the CO is gonna kick my arse, I do not have any RVs this month" and children think......"Can't wait till I turn 18!!"

    All the teaching is FILTERED. The media tells lies and Apostates, why they are worse than vomit.....Who has time for truth?

  • logic

    I went through this with the last two elders that came to my home. I brought out about all the changes and how the jws don't even know about them, they asked me 'what changes?' That started the conversation. I mentioned the one about the 1935 calling the annointed and

    what the new information was. The one elder said that is the way it always was. He didn't see any change. So I went and

    got the watchtower (which suprised them) . I think they think everyone is as stupid as they are. I read the article to him like

    a two year old , especially where the society specifically says it is a change. I insisted they he repeat what they said, he

    begrudgingly admitted it was a major change. I let them know that it is pretty bad when the elders aren.t keeping up

    with changes this important. They just sat there like two sheep killing hound dogs. I think these people are staying

    ignorant on purpose.

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