It's quite simple really...

by undercover 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    Excellent, excellent post. I'd seen similar sentiments to that article in the Reasoning book, but that's a pretty bold declaration made in God's name. You really can't shake something like that. My mom got baptized about 2 years after that article. I was probably too young to fully grasp the 'generation' change in '95, but certainly by that time I'd grown accustomed to seeing changes in the doctrine--which I always felt were the result of needing to save face or move the goal posts, as someone here said. (Wobble, was it?)

    So, this being said, it doesn't make good sense to go along with this unrepentant behavior of putting out these ever-shifting doctrines, believing them, supporting them, declaring them to others. It's clear that that's not what Jesus intended. Paul did warn, there would be people who would arise from amongst their fellow Christians and speak twisted things. It's not hard to imagine what would happen if those people got enough power and influence--THIS is what happens.

    I stayed around until I was betrayed to see if there was anything the organization could say that would change my mind, convince me to stay. There was only more evidence of conjecture, arrogance, and demands for obedience to men instead of Christ. It became pointless. Wife did me a favor in turning me in--I actually had a moment recently where I wondered if that was why I married her, because I knew she would do that. Tangent....

    That article is just one pebble on a mountain of condemning testimony against this religion, but it's a pretty ham big pebble.

  • rebel8

    IMHO the obsession many of us had with disproving e.v.e.r.y...s.i.n.g.l.e...d.o.c.t.r.i.n.e. is a symptom of chronic invalidation.

    The borg invalidate everything.

    Feel something? Invalid.

    Don't like field service? Invalid--everyone else loves it and you are hereby commanded to find joy in it.

    Have a logical thought? Invalid--Satan is tricking you or you are the one who's wrong.

    Don't want to be mistreated (women)? Invalid--you are an inferior being and you're wrong for not liking it.

    Then we get out and all of a sudden we aren't being invalidated any more. Picking apart the wt's many faults is us validating ourselves.

    And then once we've had our fill we stop.

  • wobble

    Great Thread Undercover !

    I too have got to the point where I don't care a Flying F**k about their silly doctrines and proving them wrong, I know it is all sh*te and that does it for me.

    I too feel cheated, mainly that God is not going to put right all the injustices of the past in a new System , he cannot, because he does not exist.

    I will work to undermine this religion where possible because of their killer Blood Doctrine, which never was scriptural in any way, is now a laughable mess, and yet children and others die because of it.

    If it were not for that, I would not give them a thought.


  • Sapphy

    Undercover, your post mirrors exactly what I think and feel. I wish I'd realised this all back in 1995 rther than wasting another 15 years 'waiting on Jehovah'.

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