Were you totally petrified to question the teaching of the dubs?

by MsDucky 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsDucky

    I was. I look back now and think what the hell was wrong with me? It's just so crazy to be so blind. Everytime, I'd think that this or that wasn't quite right, I'd think I was committing blasphemy.

    It's sad to know that's why many people are still stuck in that religion.

  • rockmehardplace

    yes. still am at times. only because i do not want outed from my progressive fade.

  • cantleave

    Never really scared, but I genuinely believed I could affect the flow of the holy spirit in the congregation; how stupid was that?

  • jaguarbass

    The only teaching I questioned was 1975 and 1976 clarified that. I lived through it.

    When 76 came, the whole house of cards fell down for me.

    I was serving for a date. Because I was born in, I was looking for a loophole

    to escape through, and they gave it to me with smiling faces and empty heads.

  • MsDucky
    yes. still am at times. only because i do not want outed from my progressive fade.

    I have daughters that are still in the religion, so I know how you feel.

    Never really scared, but I genuinely believed I could affect the flow of the holy spirit in the congregation; how stupid was that?

    That is what they teach you to keep you in line. *ridiculous*

  • LittleSister

    I never even thought to question what I had been taught from birth. It just didn't occur to me that it might not be true.

    Now how dumb is that!!!!

  • MsDucky
    The only teaching I questioned was 1975 and 1976 clarified that. I lived through it.
    When 76 came, the whole house of cards fell down for me.
    I was serving for a date. Because I was born in, I was looking for a loophole
    to escape through, and they gave it to me with smiling faces and empty heads.

    I got baptized in 1986. I knew nothing of their previous teachings; and when, someone tried to tell me about the teachings, I wouldn't listen.

  • OnTheWayOut

    "Petrified" might be an overstatement, but I felt it. I started to think for myself and eventually felt free to examine the writings of historians and scholars and theologians at the library. But I was paranoid and kept no permanent notes on what I learned, and I resisted for a couple more years to look at so-called "apostate" information.

    Finally, one day I realized that I google everything else- travel, research, trivia, etc. I should simply google Jehovah's Witnesses. Once I read some stuff at freeminds and jwfacts, I knew it was right to keep reading it.

  • spawn

    No, might be one of the reasons I wasn't liked by the elders.

  • MsDucky
    I never even thought to question what I had been taught from birth. It just didn't occur to me that it might not be true.
    Now how dumb is that!!!!

    It's gotta be hard to question something that you were raised to believe in. Don't feel bad.

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