Elder called last night and they are stopping by tonite for a 'visit'.......

by troubled mind 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    That was great! Sounds like you knew what you were doing the whole time. Great job, questions, reasonings & comebacks.

    Think About It

  • daringhart13

    I hate to break your heart Troubled........but its highly likely they won't let it rest.

    How disgusting is it that "shepherds" have let you wander for 4 years and still had the nerve to say something about putting it in writing?

    It just makes me sick.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for updating us.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I think we gave them a bit to consider though . Some other things we discussed were personal accounts of how unloving things have gone on for years in this hall . We gave specific examples and how when in a traumatic time in our lives no one was there for us ....So why would we want to go back for more of the same ?

    I am sure they will call again because I think he wants to give me that KM on the blood fractions . There will come a time though that I will let him know that I feel my emotional and mental wellness will never be put into that kind of jeopardy again and he will need to back off . ( He understands clearly what I mean there has already been a suicide in the hall and I think they know not to push some people anymore just leave them be .

  • yknot

    Well done!

    Sounds like you got a heap of weight off your shoulders!

  • flipper

    TROUBLED MIND- You did an outstanding job. Excellent ! Isn't it empowering to stand up to the elders and voice your opinions without fear ? It's a real rush I found also ! I have felt so elated after voicing myself to them and controlling the conversation- which it sounds like you did as well. Good for you. Hopefully they won't bother you much further- I think they know they have a tiger by the tail. Truth be told - you probably intimidated them ! But that's a good thing. It's all about control . Not allowing them to control you

  • Gregor

    I really love it that they mentioned the earthquakes. Pathetic losers. If they can't reach minds and hearts they go for fear and intimidation. Jesus would be proud.

    Because you are baptized they want to get you pigeon-holed. They really don't care if you "come back" or not. A DA letter is so much simpler.

    You did good. Too bad hubby is such a limp weiner on this.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Do you think they just want you to cross yourself off their visit once a year list? Do they want the list to be smaller? Wouldn't it be easier if you axed you yourselves? I think that is what he meant, really.

  • nugget

    It sounds as if you had the visit on your own terms and handled it well. What is great is that they do not have the power over you they once had and that you have managed to build a new life without them.

    It was good that you felt the meeting accomplished something positive for you rather than being an experience you endured. For all faders and leavers it gives encouragement that there is la brighter future out there. Thank you.

  • lisavegas420


    It's so freeing to just be an adult and say what you think, and allow others to have their own thoughts...even if they are wrong you don't agree.

    You did great.


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