Elder called last night and they are stopping by tonite for a 'visit'.......

by troubled mind 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Be sure to serve them Koolaid.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I had the same mindset you do TM. If there is nothing left you want to keep hold of inside, then I say go for it. If there is, I know you will have a plan for that scenario also.

    Wishing you well. Look forward to hearing the result.

    Ps - I think a big pitcher of kool-aid on the table, served up at the start would be a funny metaphorical response to them. I doubt they would catch it - but you would be able to tell that story forever. Thanx Bonnie/Clyde for mentioning that.

  • flipper

    TROUBLED MIND- I wish you luck. I have to agree with most others here . I don't trust JW elders under ANY circumstances as first and foremost their alleigance is to following the WT society's instructions , which almost ALWAYS is to the detriment of the JW members needs . They may ask you pointed questions like Aude Sapere said and try to see if you think it is a God based organization. I don't know how many JW relatives you still keep in contact with- just be aware that if there are 2 elders they are seeking information which could put you in jeopardy with any JW relatives - depending on what your answers are.

    If you don't have any JW relatives or friends you keep in touch with - then just tell them to blow it out their a$$ if they try bossing you around. They only have as much control as we let them have. It's your life now , you control the conversation where it goes - don't allow them to control it

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Okay so here it goes ....they just left .....

    First he started off with 'how much they miss us and want us to come back to meetings . With all that is going on in the world the earthquakes ect....does it make us worry ,do we think about it ? Because you know we are seeing Bible prophecy being fulfilled right now !!! '

    We said "NO haven't given it much thought " ......a bit of silence ...I told him how since as far back as I can remember I have been told the end is coming tomorrow and I said 'You know what kind of effect that has on a kid ??' I said ,I realize some people are happy as witnesses and that is great for them ,but for me I suffered from depression ,anxiety ,suicide thoughts because of the horrible stress and pressure of believing at any moment God was going to kill my Dad(non witness) and my Grandparents . I said now for the first time in my life I am HAPPY .....I don't feel that pressure crushing down on me anymore .

    He thanked me for my honesty ... We then talked about how the congregation made us feel unimportant because we were never the top publishers .I said even though we were faithful and did what we could, we never fit in . I told them' but guess what .....I am a good person and people really do like me and I have two really great friends now ,ha I am good enough ! '

    He said even though we have problems with individuals we have to remember Jehovah is using the organization ........So I then said "You remember years ago you gave a talk and in it you said 'always make sure we are serving JEhovah not an Organization ' ...well I wonder sometimes if that is what is happening .......Witnesses are more concerned with organization than Jehovah's word ?"

    His comment was something about the truth ....we have to believe in truth ...and I interrupted and said "Yes and that means Jesus Christ ,he was the truth !" What the organization teaches can change so that can not really be truth and I gave the example of how when I was young the teaching about the Generation of 1914 is NOT what is taught now so how is that truth . Or how about the blood isssue what we believed yrs ago about is not the same as the blood fraction belief today .......I let them know that was the final straw for me when I left because if that "truth " can change WHAT WILL BE NEXT !!!!

    They don't think I have all the facts about blood fractions and a KM has a whole issue clearing explaining it .......I told them quite a bit about how that fractions have to be gathered from lots and lots of blood to be useful so it is not a small thing.... it is still blood . Maybe what should change is the 'light' on blood transfusions .....

    I made the point new light is really just new opinions from the newer younger Governing body members .

    We talked freely and easily we even laughed about old times .

    But here comes the clincher ...the reason they stopped by in December was because of the decorations I had in the yard ...so he asks " ARE you Celebrating Christmas ??"

    My husband : " I'm Not " (wicked man does not have my back ) It wa s freakin funny though I almost busted out laughing !

    Elder looking at me now ," So what about you ?"

    Me: " Well ....I am not going to answer personal questions ,sorry , but really after four yrs of no one caring why does it matter .....it really is none of your business "

    He agreed it was my own business ,but since i am baptised ...blah blah blah ......

    My husband tries to redeem himself now with "SHe really likes lights and has them up all yr round "

    I said "Yeah I really like the ones your daughter has in her trees down the street ,i want some like that too "

    That lightened the mood for a moment

    He did tell me if I no longer want to be a witness it is easy all I have to do is put it in writing .

    I just looked at him .....and then said 'why does it matter mostof the witnesses treat me like I don't exist anyways' ....and gave him examples of several Elders wives that shun me in public ....

    They apologized that others have made us feel unwelcome . Invited us to the Special talk and that was about it .

    Yeah I know if he really wants to he can push to have me DF'd ,but damn it felt good to let it all out (there was more we said I just choose not to share it all). For me I just don't care what they do ,I won't DA they can just DF inabsentia if they want it is the same announcement . For now I don't think he will do anything though .

    Well thanks for hanging in there with me ....at least read about the Christmas part cause that's funny stuff there . That's all I can think about writing for now .

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Thank you for sharing. You made my night. I'm so proud of you and I don't even know you.

    Love Always Darth Plaugeis

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Darn I made Lemonade ,didn't even think about Kool-Aid !!!! That would have been so good .

  • Heartbreaker

    Troubled, I'm glad it went well for you and your husband. I did have to laugh about what he said, leaving you dangling in the wind...you were right, our men ARE quite alike, I choose to believe they don't do it with malice though. :)

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    No he isn't malicious .....After they left I told him " Hey what the heck thanks for NOT having my back on the Christmas thing !!!" Then we just started laughing our heads off .

  • besty
    I won't DA they can just DF inabsentia if they want it is the same announcement

    is the correct answer.

    Them: We'd like you to attend a JC (they won't give a reason)

    You: Not so much - I've been gone 4 years and am pretty much busy most of the time.

    Them: It's important

    You: Well you do what you have to do.

  • GLTirebiter

    Well done, Troubled Mind and spouse! You were honest without being mean, didn't fall for the guilt they tried to lay on you, and in general didn't let them follow their prepared script.

    I hope none of the gun-cleaning solvent splashed into their kool-aid!

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