Have you hit your 50's? Are you feeling it, or do you still feel young?

by restrangled 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snotrag

    I'm to be 61 in a few days. Strong as a horse till 44 then heart problems,about 52 the walls come tumbling down. At 58 my body was broken and could'nt work anymore. It all comes to attitude. Whether you think you are young or old, you are right. Sunrises are the best and having the grandkid bring you a beer is more fun than arm wrestling.

  • Quandry

    I am 58. My hot flashes have hot flashes, that's how bad it is. I work in an elementary school. Ever had to have ten first-graders have to help you up after sitting on the floor?

    After sitting down in the living room watching TV and then getting up to walk, I look like some decrepit old thing hobbling around until the stiffness leaves my knees.

    But....I don't give up. I still do the yard work, just have to stretch it out over several Saturdays. I TRY to keep the weight down, too.

    Dang, it's hard....but it beats the alternative!

  • thetrueone

    The way to stay and feel young is a constant and continued level of exercise,

    like going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week for an hour and of course watching your diet.

    I belong to a running club and we have quite few people who have been running for most of their adult life

    and I can hostly say these long timers in their early 70's look like their in their mid 50's.......no joking.

  • restrangled


    I'm through the hot flashes at 50, but I knew I was getting old when I would bend down to look at an item at Marshall's, and had horrible difficulty getting back up with knees cracking......that was starting to happen in my 40's and I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

    The last time I bent down, I had to to get down on my knees and do one leg at a time and have someone help me up. The other was lifting a heavy item to look at the price and due to the arthritis in my hands, I dropped the item. How crazy is that....and I did weight lifting for years to stay in shape.

    I'm really frustrated because I always wanted to learn to play the guitar....and apparently it might be too difficult with stiff fingers. If anyone knows better let me know. I can still play the piano, but not like I use to.


  • mindmelda

    Funny you should ask this...I turn 50 in a couple of weeks.

    I actually feel better in some ways than I did when I was younger. Worse in some ways physically.

    Mentally, much better without trying to be something I never was good at, being a JW.

  • jaguarbass

    restrangled if you want to learn how to play the guitar go to google type in words and

    chords to ---------- song. Song of your choice.

    Then you will have the words and chords.

    If they dont tell you there how to play the chords google guitar chords.

    Then put your fingers where the chord chart requires and start strumming and singing.

    After you do that to about 50 songs, you will be a guitar player of sorts.

  • restrangled

    Jaguarbass...I still have to get a guitar.... don't know what to buy. Also Don't want to be just a guitar player of sorts after years playing the piano.

    I realize I am going to have to hurt my fingers and learn the chords, and work, work, work!

    I love the sound of acoustic guitars. Can you suggest something....Thanks!....keep in mind a 50 year old.....


  • peaches

    oh my god!!! there is nothing funnier than reality.....i am in my 50's.....i have a 90 year old body with a 13 year old brain...(is it suppose to be like this??) some health problems...picked up some prescriptions and the associate asked me if she should get me a cart for all of them,,,or if double bagging would be good enough and did i need assistance carrying them out?? THEN.......

    i coughed really hard the other day and "WET MYSELF" ,,,,OH GOD,,,it only gets worse.....I found a lump and just KNEW i had cancer doctor said it was nothing to worry about,,,,it seems my anus is just giving birth to twin hemmoroides!! went out to eat lunch,,,feeling sorry for myself,,,,so thought i better eat a heathy meal.....a bit of a weight problem you know....well,,,,when i went up to pay,,,the cashier asked if WE wanted seperate slips or just one....I WAS BY MYSELF!! it seems my 2 chef's salads,,,2 large diet cokes and baked fish looks like alot of food to some people...

    i'll go for a walk,,,that will help how i am feeling...so,,i am standing on the curb,,,when this biker dude drove up and said "show me your tits"...well,,,i was so scared i did what he said....i just stood there,,,,pulled by skirt up above my ankles and showed him my boobs....his eyes looked be downward ,,,and with pity in his eyes he said,,,,i am sorry,,,,be careful when crossing the curb that you don't trip over them...we waved at each other as he drove off....

    i am still going through menopaus,,,,,you gals know what i am talking about,,,,,when the embers of hell BURN through your entire body,,,making you sweat like a pig in heat.....AND along with this unique turn of events,,the hair on my head is falling out,,,,and seems to have started growing out of my face????? (by stock in nair) so yup,,,,,i am feeling my 50's.....(note to self,,,,as i am getting forgetful...buy waterproof pad for bed)

  • GLTirebiter

    Yes, and yes. I threw a tennis ball for the dog the other day, ouch! The elbow ain't what it used to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm doing well physically and have lost twenty pounds I didn't need or want. But time has proven it: Toby Keith was right!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    57 and don't look so bad from the outside, but I have a blocked artery in my ticker that acts like a rev limiter.

    Not fatal obviously, but frustrating. It is difficult to keep fit and slim while having to keep my oxygen demand down.

    I feel young until I push myself too hard....and too hard is not hard at all



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