Have you hit your 50's? Are you feeling it, or do you still feel young?

by restrangled 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    A man is as old as ( the woman ) he feels.

  • RR

    I'm almost there, 47. When I was a kid, I studied Tae Kwon Do for seven years. Last year after 30 , I went back to the dojo and began learning Jeet Kune Do, Kenpo Karate, Silat and Kali. Not an easy thing to do when you haven't exercised in 30 years. I was sore working out and sparring with kids half my age, and I've lost 12 lbs in the last month, down to 193 lbs. So hopefully, by the time I reach 50 in a few years I won't feel so old. LOL


  • A.Fenderson

    I'm in my early thirties

    Me too.

    and I wish somebody would just shoot me.

    Well, let's not jump the gun...

    I'm losing my hair.


    Growing hair in places where I didnt know it would grow at.


    It takes longer to burn off winter weight. I listen to outdated music. People wearing tight jeans. I hope I die soon. I really do. I'm cranky all the time. Gotta mini pot belly with hair on it. God, what happened to me?

    Two magical words that can change your life: diet and exercise. I personally am on Atkins (with some personal modifications), and I love it.

    As for outdated music: we can't help it if 99.9% of all music made in the last several years is objectively horrible and hardly deserving of even being called music--that's not our fault! :-)

  • restrangled

    All of you are fantastic....love your stories....just a short response, cause I'm still cooking on the grill and fighting the pool.....and tired!


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I'm 53. I don't have the stamina anymore to go, go, go for 13-14 hours a day. I don't think I could work 12 hour shifts anymore. I also look pretty bad when I don't get enough sleep and makeup doesn't cover it up. I've never tended to be thin but it is very hard for me to lose weight now. I think my hair is probably completely gray but I keep it colored and I don't think about it. I have it done at the beauty salon and sometimes I have highlights added. It's my little splurge and I feel younger.

    Just from observing other people including my mother-in-law, I believe exercise is the key to keeping your body and mind young. I need to get started.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Someone told me in 1984 when I was turning 30 that I was "well preserved for my age". !!!!!!!!!!!! I look back on that and would kill to be that age again. 40 wasnt too bad because I had just given birth to my last child but immediately began needing bifocals to replace my already waning eye sight. Then I turned 50 and thought, gosh..still looking pretty good here. But for some reason when I turned 55 the shit hit the fan. All the baggage started going south rapidly. Wrinkles where I hadnt had any. Cankles and varicose veins all of a sudden and grey???? shit....totally. Turning 56 this August and it doesnt bode well. LOL I did lose 40 pounds though...gained 6 of that back...but feelin better with that weight off the joints.

    The good news is, I have my health and am not on any meds and my yearly checkups come up fine. AGING SUCKS

  • Finally-Free

    I'm 52 and I've been feeling it since I was 25.


  • palmtree67

    43 and I feel great.

    But every day I thank the gods for the person who invented stretch denim. Bless their heart!

  • Outaservice

    For me, life was going along real good with no problems, that is, until I entered 1st grade. Then everything started going downhill and I have not been able to stop it.

    Still no energy to Pioneer either!


  • Lozhasleft

    Lol @ some of these...I'm 57 and remember a friend telling me that the deterioration accelerated after 53...I thought 'surely not?' at the time but damn it she was soooo right...physically its a floody nightmare...... but ...since leaving the org and meeting the love of my life ...I've moved to the best UK Northern city and life is so exciting and enjoyable...Uni as a mature student is wonderful...and from somewhere I've found this incredible sense of humour that I've stifled for years......good times !

    Loz xx

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