When you were a loyal dub, did you ever turn down sexual advances?

by asilentone 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • snowbird

    krettnawe, the answer is no, get a clue.

    Tee hee hee.

    That's JCanon you're talking to, dear boy.



  • yknot

    Now now Asilentone.......

    Besides why would a boy 'show interest' if he hadn't already mentally considered her a possible candidate for sexual activity....

    In Dubbieville, showing interest is the soft-porn version of an actual proposition.....

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    In Dubbieville, showing interest is the soft-porn version of an actual proposition.....

    Being alone, without a chaperone, is the hardcore version.

  • dissed

    If you were true to JW teachings.......

    If a women said hi and there was no one around, you would have to assume she was coming on to you, and you would be required to flee.

    "She said, I'm not interested. But what she really meant is, that she wants my body. I think she was coming on to me"

  • sir82

    Just waiting for WT Wizard to pipe in.....

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Just waiting for WT Wizard to pipe in.....

    I'm sure it will be a very glowing endorsement on the society's rules regarding courtship.

  • snowbird


    He said he was told that he should stick with the bruddas!

    Shame on them!


  • mindmelda

    Oh, I was going to add...the Witnesses made me gay. LOL

    No, seriously, they made me so afraid of the opposite sex, that I hung around women thinking it was sexually safe.

    Because I'd never heard of bisexuality, I was very upset and confused when I kept being attracted to my female roommates and friends, all Witnesses of course. It was driving me nuts and I kept thinking I was demonized or mentally ill, something. I finally started going out with women on the sly occasionally, and some men too, and found I liked all of it. Very guiltily, but yes, like anyone else, without some mild sexual experimentation, no one can figure any of that out.

    I'm happily married to a guy and have been for years, but yes, I still find women sexually appealing too. He knows that, and fine with him. No biggie.

    Boy, does that Witness crap about sex totally screw with your brainmeats. I feel so sorry for all the kids reading what my gay BIL (also raised in the Truth, but wasn't allowed to get baptized a million years ago because he had a BEARD...LOL) calls the little Blue Book of Sexual Confusion, Unusuable Stupid Advice and Rabid Homophobia. Otherwise known as Young People Ask.

    I'm usually not for book burning, but that's the only real use for that fount of total nonsense.

  • shopaholic

    Yes...from men that even your strongest dub would have understood. What a waste

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Yes. From the most amazing chick at work. Why she fancied me I cannot imagine, maybe she had eyesight problems or something. Anyway I did turn down the offer and have spent the last 45 years regretting it!!!

    Like Terry I was a virgin until I married at 23 (wife likewise, pioneer). What a waste!


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