Relationship with god, what is it really?

by highdose 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    In this thread i'm speaking as a atheist who used to be comended for her close realtionship with jehovah. I realised that he dosn't exsist about a year and a bit ago. So who or what did i have a realtionship with? Was it all in my head, like children who have a kinda of pseudo relationship with a teddy bear?

    I was so quick to attritbute good things to god, rather than my own doing. bad things came from saturn, never my own mistakes or misfortune. I used to feel calm after having prayed and feel that it was god comforting me. But i now belive that it was just all in my own head. The small comforts a brain washed cult member relays apon to get them through the day.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    like a child has an invisible friend

  • highdose

    thats exactly it zombie!

  • poppers

    So who or what did i have a realtionship with? Was it all in my head, like children who have a kinda of pseudo relationship with a teddy bear?

    Yup - it was all in your head. We do this all the time, create a fantasy world and set up camp there and think it's real, but it's all just a thought creation.

  • cantleave
  • A.Fenderson

    I used to feel calm after having prayed and feel that it was god comforting me. But i now belive that it was just all in my own head.

    A favorite author of mine would refer to this as "programming your own trip," and it can take on any number of forms--so long as it's done consciously, it can be a very powerful and positive force in your life.

    I was so quick to attritbute good things to god, rather than my own doing. bad things came from saturn,....

    Hell, even astrology can be a tool for well-being if done properly. ;-)

  • leavingwt

    For many, it is a very useful delusion. It provides a hope for the future, mental comfort, strength, motivation and a sense of purpose.

    Fear of Hell (however defined or conceived) can be a great motivator, as can a sincere Christian desire to do what is "right".

    Just as I don't tell small children that Santa Claus isn't real, I also don't randomly attempt to shake the faith of those who posess it. (Nor could I, if they're "real Christians", according to many faiths.)

  • dgp

    We've all been there, highdose. The feeling that someone ought to be listening is still with me after all these years.

  • musky

    I think God/Jehovah should answer a prayer.What is wrong with that?I mean actually answer it so I can hear a voice that says something like "Hey whats shakin there.glad you took the time to pray to me today.I really appreciate it.Just hang in there,because I promise there is something better for you after your life here is over."

    I know that sounds weird.I still want to believe so badly though.

  • jaguarbass

    Even if God is only a relationship in our head.

    If its done properly positive self talk can be very beneficial.

    Giving thanks to God for the good things in life is having an attitude of gratitude.

    We need to be thankful for what we have so we can get more. Thanks and appreciation

    can clear our head and help us focus on new goals.

    I've been through it all, I have worked with Christians and argued with them that it was me that was doing

    all the work not God and that I had nothing to be thankful or greatful for.

    But I came to find out there is more comfort for me in dealing with god than going it all alone

    even if my life is eating a shxt sandwich which I am mad at God for putting on my plate,

    that sandwich goes down better with thanks and grattitude from me to God.

    Thats a living life skill I learned the hard way, and I know lots and lots of very successfull and not successful

    people that talk to God and give thanks.

    I work in a jail and I see people go crazy and loose it often.

    It seems to me that most of them did not have a relationship with God

    while they are loosing it and most of them probably were not walking with God

    when they got arrested.

    So based on what I see regularlly and often, I think a relationship with God, the God of the bible

    is a very beneficial life tool.

    God is a very complex and complicated entity and effects all aspects of life.

    Where I work I see it time and time again selfish people who do not have a relationship with God

    make other selfish people.

    Their offsprings are incorrigable, When you have parents that dont know God, that live for their own selfish

    pleasures, drugs, sex, bling bling, they leave their children to sell drugs, guns, steal cars, burglarize homes,

    have gun battles in the streets.

    All because they dont have a relationship with God.

    If the parents had a relationship with God they would have a family and live orderly lives.

    If they had a relationship with God they would not have children out of wedlock.

    Some people say God is Good orderly direction.

    People that dont have God dont have good orderly direction.

    Then people that are willing to have God ,have order, have to work and pay for all the kaos.

    I dont think its your garden variety atheist who is causing these problems.

    I think its people who believe in God but dont have a relationship with God.

    But I'm pretty sure 95% of the people I see in jail dont have a relationship with God.

    But they believe in God.

    With all the people I see workiing in a jail, I doubt 2% are atheist.

    When you talk to people face to face in person,

    You cant find too many people that buy the concept there is no God.

    That's something you can say on a computer,

    Something somebody can write books about,

    But it doesnt fly talking about face to face with civilized working people.

    So to me a relationship with God is Good orderly direction and in the US,

    the main advocate of that is the bible and Christian religions.

    Who is going to tell people to get married, have a family, dont cheat on your mate,

    dont steal, dont kill, work hard, love your neighbor as yourself?

    The Bible and people who have a relationship with God.

    Its the fabric of a healthy society.

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