100 Million Americans Question Official 911 Story

by sammielee24 217 Replies latest members politics

  • sir82
    The problem, for me, with conspiracies such as this is that it requires a very large number of people to be utterly wretched human beings with
    no conscience or recrimination about participating in the deaths of men, women, children at random who are innocent of any wrongdoing.
    To believe that each and every one of the people involved is completely trustworthy in keeping the secret (when they could earn millions divulging facts for cash) is equally preposterous.


    Are there really hundreds of people who are so evil that they would be willing to do this, while simultaneously so trustworthy that they can keep even the slightest hint of the secret from slipping out for 9+ years?

    I think Occam's Razor applies here too.

  • leavingwt

    What we need is more "faith" in Alex Jones. Then, repeated viewings of 'Loose Change'.

  • 5thGeneration

    Republicans have blocked out the painful possibility that the Bush-Cheney administration played a role in 9/11.

  • 5thGeneration

    Great video LWT! Never seen that one before.

  • Leolaia

    Where does the $4 million figure come from?

    The 9/11 Commission had a budget of $15 million. [1]

    NIST had a total budget of $24 million for its WTC study. [2], [3], [ 4 ]

    That's $39 million to start with, not to mention the FEMA investigation, the ASCE study at the Pentagon, and the bulk of the 9/11 investigation done in 2001 by the FBI, NTSB, etc. which drew on existing funding.

    ETA: Thanks, I see that was the initial dispursement to the Commission.

    The problem, for me, with conspiracies such as this is that it requires a very large number of people to be utterly wretched human beings with
    no conscience or recrimination about participating in the deaths of men, women, children at random who are innocent of any wrongdoing......Terry


    How many times has the USA failed to act on Intellegence they already had?

    Numerous times in the last 12 months alone..It`s made international news..

    One guy lit his underware on fire, in a plane..The US government already had information this guy was a problem..

    A US officer goes` on a shooting spree on a US military Base..Other soldiers already knew and complained about this guy..

    Is it such a stretch..The USA gorvernment already had the intellegence for 911?.....And..Ignored it..

    Is it a stretch..That those few people in power would do their best to cover their mistake up?..

    You would literally need an army of people to cover up,destroying the Twin towers..

    You would only need a few people to cover up information you already had,on attack on the USA..

    Then cut the funding for any extensive Investigation..Problem solved..

    The Incompetants in Power..Have just saved their jobs..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

    cost only 4 million
    How much money was spent investigating 9/11 has nothing to do with whether or not the government played a role in it. This is a red herring......Leavingw

    I never said the USA Government played a role in 911......OUTLAW

    Did anyone say that you did? Do you still want to shoot me?


    By quoting me and including me with another post,you implicate me..

    No I don`t want to shoot you..LOL!!..

    I`d rather have a beer with you..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • sammielee24

    All people don't say that the US Government planned the attack and in fact, the majority don't believe it. The majority of those that have read the commission report however, such as architects, engineers and chemical analysts, and those that were either eye witnesses or involved in the calamity such as firefighters, first responders, workers, neighbors, police etc; still have questions that they feel are not being truthfully answered. They feel that the truth about all the events that took place have not been told - they question the warnings that were never followed up on; they question the lack of analysis and forensics; they question why people inside the building were never interviewed about what they saw and heard; they question why they are not allowed to question without being called a lunatic.

    One paralegal, working with lawyers, has said that the 3,000 figure handed out to the public, is realistically around 12,000.

    Remember when all the first responders asked about the safety of the area before they went in to clean up and how they were told it's absolutely safe. Go ahead and do your duty. Many have become ill and many have died since then as a result of believing what their government told them and only now, over 8 years later, has a settlement been reached (which will be appealed) for those responders, many of whom just wanted medical care for lung infections caused by the site work.

    If the commission had wanted to do a real job, it would have cost more than a paltry 4 million. Calling in those 1,000 architects and engineers as experts; calling on all the firefighters; calling in all the eye witnesses; calling in all the people working in the building; actually examining the evidence they provided, would have cost more than that. It didn't. The investigation was shelved and a cursory report issued - some of it blacked out.

    When all those people get a chance to tell their side in a court, when all the facts are brought out in the open in a court of law for all of us to hear, so we can understand and make sense of it all - then maybe then we can put it to rest. The OJ Simpson case was televised for weeks on end and to push the 9/11 murder of thousands of people onto a few pages of blackened paper is an atrocity. sammieswife.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    If the commission had wanted to do a real job, it would have cost more than a paltry 4 million.

    It did cost more than 4 million. Read Leolia's posts, replete with actual citations and facts. You're spewing nonsense.

  • bohm

    SAMMIELEE: Yah, bet it lacked all sorts of things. ask any expert if anything that touched his field lack something, and he will give you a long, long list. its how scientists think! but they DID check out a lot of things (have you read it by the way?), and so far (and let me repeat this)


    proove me wrong by posting one, not just a bunch of retards who all agree there "must be something because someone says something i in this cool youtube video and the guy had a degree in physics". we are on page 3 now.

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