100 Million Americans Question Official 911 Story

by sammielee24 217 Replies latest members politics

  • AllTimeJeff

    Wow. Just to say, I never said nor believe that the US Government has been totally forthcoming regarding the events of 9/11. (see: Search for WMD's in Iraq)

    So if someone wants to say or believe that things have been hidden, sure!

    But the foundational facts as to what brought down the twin towers and what hit the pentagon has not changed. Planes hit them full of jet fuel at a high rate of speed.

    Ok, I hope no one is insulted, it just is a poor context to try and suggest that there has been some kind of cover up.

  • bohm

    Since these kind of arguments usually result in a flurry of random links i will only discuss one piece of evidence per poster at a time. I have chosen the first.

    Cyberjesus: 1-So what about the pictures of the World Trade Center where you can clearly see explosions in the floors where there was no fire?

    The pictures where you can 'clearly' see there are explosions are not linked. So now i know there was bombs, because there are pictures that 'clearly' shows it. Wow. someone should mail it to the NYTimes, it would be the scoop of the century!
    Is this remotely connected with the invisible presence of Jesus?

    RGB: Okay, first; On the FBI’s most wanted list Osama Bin Laden is not charged with the crimes of 911. When I called the FBI to ask them why this was the case, they replied: “There’s not enough evidence to link Bin Laden to the crime scene,” I later discovered he had never even been indicted by the D.O.J.

    So what exactly is this evidence of besides that the FBI is kind of lazy, incompetent, or just didnt know how they should handle themselves since they properly treated Osama a bit different from other criminals right after 9/11?
    It must kind of suck to be the government and create a huge conspiracy, only to see it tumble like a house of cards because you couldnt spend 10 minutes to update a website...

  • cyberjesus

    Bohm: I read sarcasm in your answer but I dont see your point. What is your argument. Have you seen pics and video of what I am talking about? What do you think happened? Do you wonder? do you question it? or you just accept the official story?

    But the foundational facts as to what brought down the twin towers and what hit the pentagon has not changed. Planes hit them full of jet fuel at a high rate of speed.

    ATJ: so if the foundational facts havent changed, that only proves that the official statement still stands. it doesnt show anything else. The issue is about questioning the official statement. if the premise is that the government is covering up why would they say change their version? The issue is questioning things when they dont sound good. and when the coincidences are so many then its a matter of closing our ears or investigating.'

  • bohm


    My point is that you wrote there are photos where you can 'clearly see explosions'. If one could 'clearly' see them we would not be discussing this. Yes i have seen photos where you can see jets of air shoot out the window beneath the compression zone. But the building is full of air, ofcourse it would have to leave through the windows! The question is: What would a jet of air leaving the building because of compression look like, and what would an explosion look like. To turn the jets of air into an argument for domolision, one would have to carry out an experiment, calculation or simulation to show it is one and not the other right?

    THAT i have never seen done and that is what i am talking about: The evidence is not there.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Cyberjesus, I can point to all of the people in those 4 airplanes that crashed, into buildings and into earth, and the people running for their lives under the World Trade Center, and I know what I saw.

    Anyway, I think there comes a point where we have to acknowledge the concept of "diminishing returns". I have every reason to believe that every administration from George Washington on has lied about certain matters. Maybe most. Fine.

    What I don't understand is how dredging up images with scant evidence from 9/11 is supposed to somehow cause a populist upheaval that causes large amounts of information to be declassified, in an effort to appease the moral outrage of rightly concerned citizens of the United States so that the people, (who do in fact, rule through their twice ever 4 years vote) will be appeased.....

    Get over yourselves, seriously.

    This is why pragmaticism is my new religion of choice....

  • read good books
    read good books

    So what exactly is this evidence of besides that the FBI is kind of lazy, incompetent, or just didnt know how they should handle themselves since they properly treated Osama a bit different from other criminals right after 9/11?

    The FBI said they couldn't find enough evidence to link Obama to 911 after he had been tried and convicted in the media over and over and over, hello? Seven hours after 911 you have Rumsfeld saying we have to go to war, what was the urgency if we weren't sure it was Bin Laden? If it's just a matter of laziness on the part of the FBI I don't think till this day he is on their list, and Bush years later said in a press interview it was not a priority- catching Bin Laden...what??

  • sammielee24

    in an effort to appease the moral outrage of rightly concerned citizens of the United States so that the people, (who do in fact, rule through their twice ever 4 years vote) will be appeased.....

    Get over yourselves, seriously.


    So, you think that citizens are rightly concerned but you don't think they should bring out the issue, declassify the information and re-investigate in order to put it to rest? I look at thousands of people who died and families who still yearn to hear the whole story; I look at thousands of people around the world who cried along with the US when they saw the planes hit and then jumped in to help; I look at thousands of men and women who rushed to war afterward in Afghanistan in an attempt to catch Bin Laden - how many have died?; I look at thousands of men and women who have died in an occupation in Iraq after that and how many trillions have been spent needlessly on the whole exercise.

    We all know what happened physically before our eyes but we know nothing of what really happened up to that point and why it happened after. A real lingering question in my own mind is why the Saudi family was flown out right after - every other plane was grounded but one was cleared for take off and that was the Bin Laden family. That sort of question should be answered truthfully and it never has been. Nor have we ever been told why when Bin Laden was in sight and could be captured, the military was denied the right to do so. Why?

    This isn't about getting over ourselves - in the scheme of things, I didn't lose any family member in the tragedy nor the wars afterward, but I feel for all those who have and for whom your 'getting over yourselves' attitude is really telling all of them to suck it up and move on.


  • beksbks

    Let's see, so if you think Obama is a Socialist Nazi Marxist Islamic Kenyan, you're A-ok! But if you think there are inconsistencies in the 9/11 story, you're just a Bush hating fringer. Gotcha.


    But if you think there are inconsistencies in the 9/11 story, you're just a Bush hating fringer

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • beksbks

    I said fringer OUTLAW!! Not finger!

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