100 Million Americans Question Official 911 Story

by sammielee24 217 Replies latest members politics

  • Leolaia

    I just looked at the detailed info on the survey....there were more focused questions on 9/11, which surprise, surprise, have much lower proportions overall (in the 15-6% range). The question that asked whether respondents agreed with the statement that the "attack was carried out by 19 hijackers who were members of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, led by Osama bin Laden" resulted in 12% disagreeing with the statement. However, this question was bundled with a statement about the 9/11 Commission, which may have promoted the "not sure" response because (1) most Americans probably are unfamiliar with the specific content of the 9/11 Commission report and (2) many Americans are cautious about accepting any official report at face value. A question that asked simply "Do you believe that the 9/11 attack was carried out by 19 hijackers who were members of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization led by Osama bin Laden?" would likely have elicted different results than the actual question.

    The other questions inquired on whether the collapse of the WTC was a controlled demolition (15% in favor), whether United 93 was shot down (15% in favor), whether no airplane crashed into the Pentagon (13%), and whether no planes crashed into the WTC, such that the television images to the contrary were faked (6% in favor). However in this question, the respondents were not asked whether they believed these claims to be true. They were only asked if these claims are to be deemed as "credible". This is a significant difference. One could have no opinion whatsoever on a matter but still be asked to judge whether a claim sounds credible or not. So those who actually believe these claims is probably a smaller proportion than those who think they are "credible".

    The relation between the TV fakery question and the controlled demolition question is interesting, since the no-planers who actually believe in TV fakery (which would have involved bombs in the buildings to simulate airplane impacts) would necessarily believe that the WTC destruction was a controlled demolition. The proportion of those who assented to the TV fakery question is 40% of that of those who assented to the question on controlled demolition. Online CTs regularly who do not agree with TV fakery claims depict the no-planers as "fringe", who do not really represent the common views of those who believe that 9/11 was an "inside job". But either this survey suggests that this is not the case, or there is a problem of representation in the survey methodology (as suggested above, that "I think it is credible" does not mean "I believe that it is so").

  • JWoods

    Thank you Leolaia. This sounds quite reasonable with about 6 to 13 percent or so ready to believe any conspiricy theory.

    That is hilarious that some people think the planes actually crashed into the towers, but that still it was a controlled demolition.

    This type of thing makes me just a little skeptical of most statements about polls.


    Did the USA government Participate in 911?..

    No one will ever know for sure..

    Did the USA government have Intellegence to stop 911..

    Most likey "Yes"..

    Given the History and conduct of how USA intelligence is handled.

    It was probably Ignored..

    Only 4 Million Dollars was spent to investigate 911..

    Someone wants the Investigation to Stop..

    No one wants to be Responsible,for that Big of a Fuck Up..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • Farkel

    This thread never happened and 1/3 of all the readers of this board are convinced of that.


  • JWoods

    Outlaw actually faked the entire thread and made up every entry up until this one and that of Farkel.


    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • leavingwt

    The government also said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. sammieswife.

    Yeah, I remember that one.


  • sammielee24

    Yeah, I remember that one


    I said government - I did not say part of government. In addition I concur with Outlaw - the reason you spend 100 million bucks on a Clinton BJ investigation and only 4 million on the murder of 3,000 of your own men and women; plus an additional 5-15, 000 who died or are wounded finding the murder of the investigation that cost only 4 million, is because nobody want's to be responsible for the f..ck up. sammieswife.

  • leavingwt
    cost only 4 million

    How much money was spent investigating 9/11 has nothing to do with whether or not the government played a role in it. This is a red herring.

  • JWoods
    How much money was spent investigating 9/11 has nothing to do with whether or not the government played a role in it. This is a red herring.

    No reason they couldn't have gone ahead and spent 500 million if they were going to falsify the report anyway, right?

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