100 Million Americans Question Official 911 Story

by sammielee24 217 Replies latest members politics

  • leavingwt

    OUTLAW -- Sorry for implicating you. Let's have some beer!



    It`s all good Bud!..

    I think I`ll use Mutely more often instesd of Clint..LOL!!

    Most of the time I`m Joking around..Clint does`nt give the impression he`s joking..


    Where does the $4 million figure come from?

    It comes from US Governer Jesse Ventura..

    He`s been all over TV and Late night talk shows with that number over the last few days..

    Not one person has challanged him on that number..

    I figured he would have been corrected by now if he was wrong..

    Thats a pretty big mistake to make,on an important topic..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • Gregor


    You and I disagree on most politcal issues here regarding the current Government and it's policies. But this thread addressing the 9/11 event has been of great help in finally coming to a clearer picture of you. Did you think about this seriously before posting it? I'm sure you are good person but this disappointing.

  • Farkel

    : The majority of those that have read the commission report however, such as architects, engineers and chemical analysts, and those that were either eye witnesses or involved in the calamity such as firefighters, first responders, workers, neighbors, police etc; still have questions that they feel are not being truthfully answered.

    That is simplly NOT true. I've seen the evidence. In once instance National Geographic commissioned a study, and presented a show about the incident. I've seen and read top-engineering firms interviewed, top demolition companies interviewed, and several dozen scientists who are specialists in all aspects of the WTC, its construction, the materials used in its construction, the amount of heat and pressure those materials can and cannot withstand, weight collapse studies, etc. They ALL say there is no, make that NO doubt that 1) the two planes DID crash into the towers, 2) those planes definitely caused the tower collapses, 3) there was no inside "pre-blast" before or during the crash, 4) WTC #7 collapsed as a result of the collateral damaged of WTC #1 and WTC #2.

    9/11 Truthers are idiots, or to be more kind, very gullible.


  • darkl1ght3r

    Don't know if this has been mentioned already, but simply because a person "questions" the "official story" regarding the events of 9/11, does not mean they buy into the stupid conspiracy theories. In fact we should ALL question it. Hell, we should question everything.

    For example: ME.

    I most certainly question the governments "official" story. I don't believe they're telling us everything they know about what went on that day. But that doesn't give the conspiracy theories any more credibility. The overall details are correct: 19 hijackers, 4 jumbo jets, and coordination by OBL and Al Quaida.

  • AllTimeJeff


    I said government - I did not say part of government. In addition I concur with Outlaw - the reason you spend 100 million bucks on a Clinton BJ investigation and only 4 million on the murder of 3,000 of your own men and women; plus an additional 5-15, 000 who died or are wounded finding the murder of the investigation that cost only 4 million, is because nobody want's to be responsible for the f..ck up. sammieswife.

    The reason why "only" 4 million dollars was spent on the investigation was the same reason that more money was spent on the investigation into the assasination of JFK as opposed to the murder of his assasin, Lee Harvey Oswald:


    Anyway, this little sojurn into the obvious has been brought to you by the letters




  • drwtsn32

    You guys are forgetting the cardinal rule of conspiracy theories.... evedince against the conspiracy is really evidence supporting the conspiracy theory.

  • Leolaia

    Farkel and darkl1ght3r....At the last iteration of this 9/11 conspiracy nonsense, I spent a day going through my university journal database resources and Google Scholar to find every single journal article or dissertation or whatever produced since 2001 on the subject of the destruction of the WTC towers by researchers in the engineering or fire sciences. I think I found 50 articles that discussed the collapse of the towers and its underlying causes. Not a single article argued or conjectured that the towers collapsed because of intentional sabotage. All gave varying causes, and some took issue with aspects with NIST's analysis, as well as they should in science, but all cited the fires and deformation of the structure (among other things). It should also be significant to note that these articles were not limited to government-sponsored researchers in the US but included many from around the world. In none of these articles do specialists investigating the collapse of the towers show any discomfort with the notion that the towers collapsed because of structural failure.

  • Leolaia
    It comes from US Governer Jesse Ventura..

    He`s been all over TV and Late night talk shows with that number over the last few days..

    Figures. I saw his TV show on the 9/11 conspiracy. It was hilarious.

  • Gregor

    I don't find it cool to try and turn the murder of 3000 people into some kind of baseless conspiracy nonsense. Shame on you, Sammie. Even your Biz and Beks echo chamber is silent on this one. You are officially an airhead.

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