Is anyone on this board going tonight........

by cantleave 57 Replies latest jw friends


    born and raised brutal physical abuse, ran away.

    returned later (MUCH) and got robbed and defrauded by family member.

    made a stupid mistake, spoke out about the difference between Mexico and Maliwi brothers.

    looking over shoulder for the hit squad to show up and DF me.

    opened my eyes, trying to get help from the elders was a joke.

    reading everything i can get my hands and keyboard on to dig out of this messed up situation.

    thanks all for the support and keep safe.

  • AudeSapere

    I haven't been in over 12 years and have zero plans to go tonight.

    I do not see the merit in attending and partaking at a Kingdom Hall for the sole purpose of causing commotion and desecrating their 'holiest' of nights. If somone really wants to partake to show allegience and honor to Jesus, there are MANY other and more-appropriate churches to do this. Even private is better than disrupting their night...

    If someone is obvious apostate or is currently DF'd, are they actually counted as a partaker??


  • JWoods
    If someone is obvious apostate or is currently DF'd, are they actually counted as a partaker??

    Not back when I was an elder - 30 years ago. Unbaptised persons, or strangers we did not know, were not counted as partakers either. We would not have counted a DFd person who had never been a partaker before.

    We never had a DF'd "legitimate" annointed partaker, but I think they might have been counted if they were previously thought to be annointed. There was, back in the day, this curious notion that if a true annointed became disfellowshipped, they were not replaced by a "new partaker" until they died, because of the possibility that they might repent. When they died, if still DFd, they would be replaced by a "new" annointed. This was used to explain away the occasional young annointed that popped up and was eventually accepted as legitimate - usually in Bethel.

    Nowadays, with apparantly a new opening for just about anybody to partake, this DF annointed idea may have gone away.

    I have to agree that it is completely pointless for an ex-JW to even go to this, let alone partake of the emblems.

  • highdose

    i'm with you cantleave. its gone 9pm here, and i'm 2 hours ahead of you. So the batch of memorials here is probably over. I didn't care at all...

    may this become a long and happy tradition!

  • Lozhasleft

    I did my partaking sincerely for 13 years .. trust me it means little to most of the elders.....they treated me as badly if not worse than so many others ...

    Loz x

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Ever since my wife joined me in awakening, we "partake" in preparation for every meeting we attend.

    Why should tonight be any different?

    Wine makers keep their spirits holy with Sulfur Dioxide!


  • Chalam

    Welcome and Lozhasleft!



  • four candles
    four candles

    No,I sat ans watched the film Telstar,about Joe Meek. Some of you Americans may not know him,he was a record producer in the 60's and made several hit records including........'Telstar' by The Tornados.

    What was that about wine,now??

  • undercover


    Tonight's the results show for Dancing With the Stars! And V is back! Surely we need to know who gets voted off DWTS more than sitting around watching a glass of wine pass us by...

  • Joshnaz

    If I were going I would partake. But I'm not.

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