we know what southerners like, what about northerners?

by rockmehardplace 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    What about Westerners???

    You mean, like Californians.

    Lordy, woman, they are a breed unto themselves!


  • beksbks

    In a good way, right? We like things too

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    What about Westerners???

    Fast cars, surfing, wearing sunglasses inside, plastic surgery, house with no basements

  • snowbird
    In a good way, right?

    Yes, ma'am.

    We like things too


    Of course you do, dear.

    *pats Bek's hand*


  • minimus

    As a Northerner, I like Southern women.

    And light baked beans, the Boston Celtics, The Pats, rotaries, and Greek style pizza.

  • beksbks

    Thanks Syl

  • snowbird
    As a Northerner, I like Southern women.

  • restrangled

    Ok here is some more and Cameo'd...you don't like anything?

    True Boston baked beans that go into a pot and cook for 5 hours.

    Italian beef sandwiches with peppers. (called French Dips)

    Some of the best museums in the world, including art, history, aquariums, and science.

    The most diverse and best cuisines.

    The smell of Autumn and the first burning leaves.

    The first magical walk in the first snow where everything glitters and the only thing you can hear is the crunch of your foot steps.

    Snowball fights

    The thrill of a snowstorm so bad, work and school is called off

    A change of wardrobe and being able to buy gorgeous boots, coats and sweaters.


  • av8orntexas

    I'm a born and raised Bostonian....living in Texas.

    I like........

    The Boston Red Sox, Celtics, NE Patriots and my BC Eagles.

    A good Bagel with cream cheese. It's all biscuits and gravy down here.

    REAL chinese takeout with lobster sauce. Down south is all buffet. Whats up with that ??


    The Fall season. In Texas we have Spring and Summer.......( not too hot, and BLAZING )

    Oh.....good drivers. I'm convinced the worst drivers reside in Houston.

  • av8orntexas
    minimusRe: we know what southerners like, what about northerners? posted ~ an hour ago (3/25/2010)

    Post 31307 of 31310
    Since 7/3/2002

    As a Northerner, I like Southern women.

    And light baked beans, the Boston Celtics, The Pats, rotaries, and Greek style pizza.

    Minimus.........you're a good man,hahahahaha.

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