quick survey on auto driving method... one foot or two?

by Gregor 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    That's right, AK. Dad taught me on a car without a synchromesh tranny. I learned to change gears with out the clutch just by the sound of the engine rpm. No tach in my jalopy.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    In Australia people who drive an automatic with two feet are considered retarded!

  • undercover

    Most of my cars have been stick but back when I had a automatic for awhile, I was a one foot driver except for sitting at the light....then I had my left foot on the brake and the right resting on the gas pedal so when the light changed I just dropped my right foot and lifted my left and I was off. Came in handy when I had to beat the car next to me for whatever reason...

    I also had an old Honda (stick shift) that was on its last legs and I had to keep my foot on the gas or it would die, so I learned to drive with half my foot on the brake and half on the gas, so that I could brake and keep gas going to the carb. It wasn't heel/toe like race car drivers do, more of a hybrid style.

  • BurnTheShips

    One foot, unless its a standard. I gave my manual transmission car up in December.


  • RubaDub
    In Australia people who drive an automatic with two feet are considered retarded!

    Witness ...

    I would have said the same thing about people here in the US before I read some of the comments above.

    I guess I don't get out much but in my entire life I have never seen anyone drive an automatic with two feet. Except that is, for one girl in my driver education class in high school who used two feet on both the gas and brake. Scared the crap out of everyone driving with her.

    Rub a Dub

  • worldtraveller

    With computer control on newer autos, touching the brake pedal should autmatically put the engine into idle and stop the vehicle rather than just slow it down. Not a smart idea to use 2 feet anyway.

  • minimus

    With an automatic, you're supposed to use but 1 foot.

  • nelly136

    one foot, but as i dont drive one often i have to remember not to use the wrong one foot or else i can practically stand the car on its bonnet the first time i touch the brakes.

  • ziddina

    BurnTheShips reminded me of something... He says, "One foot, unless its a standard..."

    So, I guess my comment, "One foot - and I drive a six-on-the-floor manual transmission..." wasn't very accurate... Driving a manual and only using the left foot when I shift - what is that? One and one/half foot???

    Oh - about the bulldozer - I just remembered... The weirdest thing about driving that thing was that I stood ON the gas pedal - and had to LIFT my foot if I wanted it to decelerate - all while using my (only two...) feet to push the TWO brakes - one for each track - AND the clutch...

    And when I finally got out - after an hour - it took three hours for my ears to stop buzzing... NO insulation from engine noise and those engines are NOISY!!!


  • spawn

    Im a one foot man

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