quick survey on auto driving method... one foot or two?

by Gregor 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    With an automatic transmission do you drive with two feet (one on throttle the other for brakes) or one foot for gas and brakes?

    Apparently some auto mfgs. are making the two foot method tricky through electronics. I am a one foot driver but sometimes after I go through water I will ride the brake with my other foot at the same time I am accelerating in order to dry the brakes.

    I learned to drive (thanks, Dad. You were very patient) with a manual transmission, so driving with one foot with auto trans. came naturally.

  • cantleave

    One foot.

  • shamus100


    I drive a standard and use just one foot. Figure that out!

  • JWoods

    I have always used left foot for brakes with an automatic, but almost all of my cars have been manual transmission.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    One foot (my right).

    Mostly I drive a manual though.

  • Mastodon

    My first cars where manual, so I always use one foot... but I steer with my wiener.

  • dinah

    With an automatic, one foot! You don't have to manually clutch.

    I drive a 5-speed manual. One foot for the gas, one for the clutch and brake.

    Thank the FSM we don't have 3 feet that would get confusing.

  • Gregor

    I am sure we have all experienced being behind a driver who's brakes lights were always on. A two foot driver bad habit for sure. Also hard on the brakes, engine and gas milage.

    PS We rented a little Ford in Oxford, England with a manual transmission and, naturally, right hand drive. It was a blast what with the roundabouts and the unusual protocol of overtaking (passing) even when there was on coming traffic.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I even drive 18 speed semi-tractors with just one foot - except just at start and stop of course and in traffic. Most manual transmissions can be shifted without the clutch if you know the shift points.

    In automatic automobiles the use of two feet is a poor habit to develop.


  • ziddina

    One foot - and I drive a six-on-the-floor manual transmission...

    However, when my bratty kid brother let me drive a D-9 Caterpillar bulldozer around an open field - well, that's mostly a THREE-footed job! My feet were flying like a tap dancer on live coals...

    TWO sets of brakes, the clutch - and don't even get me started on using the blade...


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