Post an open statement to your old or current congregation

by Billzfan23 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Dear Pullman, WA Jehovah's Witnesses

    We had a lot of good times together, I miss a lot of you, and I still love all of you. I haven't been in a Kingdom Hall since 1988. I have not left God, I have not left my values. I am not disfellowhsipped. I chose to disassociate myself from the Watchtower organization because I believe that its teachings and long history of false prophecy actually dishonor God.

    Leaving was not an easy decision. It is no small matter to have to make a choice between friends and personal integrity. But in 1973 one of the first things I read in a Watchtower publication (The "Truth" book) was a statement that we must all investigate for ourselves what we believe to be true, what God desires of us, and whether or not or religious association meets those standards. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society does not meet my standards.

    I do not believe this should mean we can't be still be friends. If you so desire, I will never bring up religion at all. I will not try to convert you to something else. We can agree to disagree and leave it at that, or we can politely talk about our differences. This is what spiritually mature people do. Today I have friends that are mainstream Christians, Jews, Atheists, agnostics, and Buddhists; just to name a few.

    It would be good to hear from you.

    Jeff Thomas

    Mill Creek, WA

    member of the Pullman Wa congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses 1973-1982, later of Opportunity, Wa and Bellevue, WA

  • thetrueone

    Post an open statement to your old or current congregation

    : Folks, pull your head out your asses , its the year 2010

    God is just an embellished story told by ignorant primitive soon as you AWAKE from this reality the better your life will be.

    Have a nice day

  • mama1119

    Jeff T..I bet you know some of my family at the Opportunity Hall......Williams?

  • pirata

    Dear Congregation,


    (I am sad that I cannot let you know my true thoughts and feelings for fear of having all that I care for ripped away from me )

  • JeffT

    Mama 1119, I was at Opportunity for about a year, 1982-1983. I don't think I remember anybody from the place. Pullman was very close knit and lots of gatherings of various sizes. The other two were not nearly as friendly. I did know a Gene Williams in Pullman.

  • lalaa

    Billzfan....Is that your real pic? If so you are hott!!!

  • lalaa

    Dear San Antonio, TX Congregations...(Central English, Kelly Terrace, Lockhill, etc....)

    Flock OFF!!!



  • joelingeorgia

    Dear East Congregaton Valdosta, GA. and San Jose Congregation Jax, FL.

    I love you all. Sorry we are separated by different belief systems. I wish you all

    peace, love and happiness. I miss you.


  • Twitch

    "Uhh, sucks to be you"

  • cantleave

    Blitzfan - I don't think your hot. I'm pleased your kids haven't been indoctrinated and that you have found happiness though!

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